The Quest ... to get back to where I was

Phase 1 - the restart.

Starting to run again is a right pain in the arse! So basically The reset was to just restart training and get back into the swing of things.

3 weeks of running 49, 55 & 52 miles were at the worst absolutely horrific and at the best mildly disappointing. 

But 3 weeks in and 2 sessions per week and a long run up to 16 miles and the reset has happened.

Now in week 4 it's time to cut back slightly and enjoy a couple of races in a down week.

HR is improving. It's been far too easy to rev the engine and anything slightly uphill or into a headwind drives it up - lack of conditioning. 

Sessions are improving, every week I am getting fitter but it is a constant battle. S&C has taken a back seat, firstly I need to get on top of aches and pains and stay flexible.

3000m up on the 30th April and then hopefully Parkrun on the 4th. These will be rust busters and hopefully set some benchmarks although neither will be a full on race effort.

If I can get a seasons best over either distance that would be a success.

Eastern Masters AC Vets League

Opening track race of the year. Felt bleugh on the warm up but hoped to be feeling it in the race. It never materialised. 9.53.xx on my Garmin. Started with a 76 and felt way too much pace. Never really settled down but split 3.15 / 3.19 / 3.19. 

Was very much not what I had hoped for but I guess that's ball park where I am. Bitter pill after being on 74 secs / lap just 6 weeks ago and now it's 79 but hey ho all you can do is keep plugging away.

The good news is it wasn't really a fade. Fatigue and lack of fitness mean I just need to keep turning up and there is not really a specific area to address.

Te plan from now is just keep cranking out the conditioning work. Once I start to see the sessions start getting back towards where they were I'll race properly again with a taper but until then it's the tired leg trundle !!

Still fancy Parkrun on Saturday for a hit out but no idea where that will land.

A disappointing race firing away some rust

After a really humbling experience on Tuesday night I actually have started to feel a little better. 11 miles as a double on Wednesday and then track on Thursday and moving at pace started to feel a little more comfortable.

Don't get me wrong, there is still a long way to go but running a couple of 47 sec 300m reps in the middle of a session actually started to feel nice.

Friday morning and although tired my legs don't feel as horrific as they have done. On track for a decent week and starting to make some headway.

A new specific focus

Coming off an injury and then a bad race it's easy to start scatter gunning and trying to change everything.

One thing I am trying to achieve is a comeback without panicking and just focussing on the little things.

First up I am trying to add strength just targeting hip flexors and plyos and just adding small amounts most days.

I'm looking at flexibility in my toes and the plan is once I have started to get back where I left off I'll look at adapting but for now the focus stays the same.

I'll race a vets league and Watford 800m this month but the real focus is that 3000m at Watford on the 29th. I really want to be back where I took off by then.

Reset the reset

Wow, after getting back on track last week and hitting a pretty solid set of hills on Saturday morning I woke up Sunday absolutely shattered with a raging sore throat and aches and pains everywhere.

Fast forward to Tuesday morning. I'm much improved but still far from 100%. No training again today (that's 0-0-0) but hoping to restart again tomorrow. Surely now that's everything out of the way. 

This really was a tough pill. Was so ill Sunday & Monday that I didn't really care about running I just wanted to get better. Today though starting to think about lost fitness.

Not a lot changes tbf. I'll sack off racing next week and hopefully get a good block of running in and just think about racing again once I am ready.

Not had a lot of luck for a long while.

Weight up to 10 st 9 this morning (def water retention from illness) and I'll do a HR check in a bit.

Bleugh. This sport is annoying. Would be easier to take if the weather was good but it's still pretty shit outside.

Wednesday 8th May

Wow, it feels like I am getting nowhere fast this year. Finally warm again outside so if I am laid up at least I can get some sun on my back.

Weight at 10 8 this morning. Far from ideal but better than yesterday. Pretty sure I've had Covid. Taste is weird. Feeling better this morning. Loads of shit on my chest but clearing up and havn't got aches and pains.

Did morning mobility routine. Not ready to doubles or do s&c work yet, lets see how a run goes first.

Panic setting in about fitness. Going to scrub next weeks races. Fingers crossed I get into the groove soon and take off without dropping much.

Going to hit CC tonight and see how it feels.

Also set on binning Garmin. That'll really cause a load of concern.

No point planning until I know I am running healthy again.

Coke club in the evening. 8 miles @ 7.53/mm feeling better as it went on. Good stuff, happy with that. Still not clear of the shit on my chest but it's a start!


Up and atom. 10 st 6 this morning so weight shifting and resting HR down to 43 so back on track (was 47 on Tuesday). 

Back to track tonight and I'll really see how the legs are responding. Feel 100 x better today, full of energy and nice to see some sun in the sky!

No dub or s&c yet lets wait until I am fully recovered. Get a feel for where I am tonight and adapt.

Not really sure how this season will pan out. I really, really need to think about changing it up and pushing as last 2 months have flown by and I've done nothing but loose fitness and form.

So headed to track. Scorcher of a day - nice !

2 mile warm up. Felt a bit heavy legged like yesterday.

Session was perfect as a build in. 3 x 600 (5k pace) - 3 x 200 (1500) - 3 x 500 (5k) - 3 x 200 (800). Reps off 90 and sets off 4 min jog.

Went [1.59, 1.55, 1.53] - [35, 33, 33] - [1.33, 1.31, 1.26] - [30, 29, 30]

2 mile cool down.

Session as rally easy up until 2nd 500m and then it ramped up. Slightly too fast for the first 2 sets but allow a bit for feel. From the 2nd 500m it ramped up and the last one was 1500m pace (slightly quicker at 68s). Felt good to have a hit out over the 200s. 

Felt much better than I expected and clearly not lost a huge amount of form. Conditioning still not great but now I'm recovering it's back to the master plan.

Felt good, would say that I'm still a way off but heading back in the right direction. Maybe eye up a 1500m at Watford at the end of the month rather than the 3000m?

Planning a 5k pace session on Tuesday with Kieron so that will let me know where I am.


Ouchy, very tired legs. Slogged out a 45 min easy probs 5.5 miles. Tough day but at least the suns out!


Busy morning and didn't get out until 4pm. Hills today, stayed in Bourn and did the old trail loop past bluebell wood to warm up and used Bourn hill.

12 x up (40 secs) with walk backs. Long old session that but some good work trying to relax up the hill. 2nd week of hills.

On cool down got some weird sciatic pain so walked it in the last half mile.

7ish for the session.


Up early to meet Dan at the St Neots half course. Did the route but stopped at 12 to watch a lap of Rich's motorbike race at Abbo. Jogged in. 13.62 miles @ 7.33/mm feeling pretty easy today.


42 for the week off 5 days is pretty solid and a huge improvement on where I was on last Sunday morning! Can only push onwards from here. Now to rest up for a big session on Tuesday.


New week new me. Rest day today. Do my hip mobility and strength but no running. Big week incoming.


am) easy 2.5 shakeout. Mobility and hip strength. pm) track. 

Track session I thought was going to be 6 x 1000m off 90 - the old classic but was actually 5 x 1000m off 60-70 jog (200m).

Reps went 3.15, 3.15, 3.15, 2.36 (800m), 3.13

Real struggle on last couple to hold it together. Lack of rest really tied me up and lack of conditioning showed.

Wasn't terrible, just very tough for me at the minute. Avge pace 77.75 per lap which works out at 16.11 - allow maybe extra 15 secs for the additional recovery and it's around 16.30 shape which is actually pretty good right now. I know I am not firing and I'm still a little behind on fitness but gaining.

Off 90 standing I reckon I could make it to 3.12 average.

Pace wise it felt realistic. Wasn't crazy paced at any stage. A couple more sessions in the bag and I reckon I will be able to call that actual 5k pace and get the session done. 

It's a solid strength session.

Calling that a 3000m pace session would actually put me at 9.43 which is on track for where I wanted to be so all good in the hood! I'm definately quicker than that off this session!

2 up and 2 down for 8 miles and 10.5 for the day.

I would actually call that a realistic pace session. I think in race conditions on tapered legs certainly on road I would be there or there abouts for 3.15 per km. It's a tough session to compare because I haven't done anything similar. The recovery is what makes the session and it's brutal. I think better 1500m pace work will pay off here as my limiting factor is legs tiring fairly quickly from the effort. It's certainly better and an improvement though. I am getting fitter but it's patience that I am missing. Will def go 1500m at Watford as that's most likely to be in the pay off zone!


Legs felt OK ish today. Hit Eddington for an easy hour - aim was to move well and felt like I was. Nothing special on the pace just moving relaxed and trying to flow. 8 ish miles in the bag. Starting to break down when this strength block stops. At some stage I have to stop showing up tired and start showing up fresh and ready to run quick. Thinking after this week is in the bag it'll be dialling in paces. Race plan is set, just need to work training around getting the best out of those. Aim right now is to get quickly into low 4.20 / 2.10 / 9.20 shape and attack from there. Sub 16 should take care of itself.

Watched Watford tonight. Really amped up after watching Andy go 2.07 and John 2.14.


am) 2.5 shakeout. Nice and easy over the trail. Raining so not very nice out.

Have decided to enter 400 hurdles and 400 flat on Saturday at the SAL. Club has no-one in either event. Will be good to benchmark where I am over shorter distance. The 400 after the hurdles will be a good guide to 800m fitness. It's roughly x2 plus 8 secs for 800m shape so anything under 63 will be really nice as that would be a good start. The hurdles will be a good chance to see where mu hurdling is at - again - relevance for Gothenberg (it's looking increasingly unlikely)

63 = 2.14 & 4.28

62 = 2.12 & 4.24

61 = 2.10 & 4.20

pm) track. Usual warm up and cool down. Session was 16 x 400 as first 8 off 45 at 5k effort then following 8 off 60 secs at 3k effort. Matched with Kieron as no Matt or Andy tonight.

Felt good for the most part. It did feel tougher than last time out but managed to get through it. Last 2 were harder tonight but pace wise it was almost carbon copy.

80, 77, 77, 78, 77, 76, 77, 76, 74, 73, 73, 73, 73, 72, 72, 69

Average 77 for first 8 then 72 for last 8. Just under 75 average for the session.

Really pleased with that and another step towards fitness. I wouldn't say I was back where I was (last session was almost exactly the same to the rep) and came the Thursday after a 4.22 in a kick race. It's close and it's closing at a rate of knotts. I just have to stay focussed and healthy. Saturday will answer 2 big questions.

Recover well and hit an easy run tomorrow. Need to book a massage in soon.


Leggy this morning but improving. Headed out for an easy on the trails. 6 ish miles very relaxed moving well. Tired afterwards but to be expected. 400h & 400 tomorrow so eat well, early night and have a hit out tomorrow and see what's what !


Up and atom. Feel OK this morning so head to Stevenage fairly confident.

Outcome is 72.5 for the 400 hurdles and 62.7 for the 400 flat.

Immediate reaction is slight disappointment. Those times are roughly par but most definitely on the slower end of where I would like to be.

Had hoped I would be a little faster (61.xx) over 400 flat BUT it's probably about par. Have not eased into it and coming off low form that's an improvement. Felt lazy today but at least it's a line in the sand.

Puts me at around 2.13.4 / 4.26 high shape. 2 weeks to get some work in AND I am improving so have to take it for what it is. I still need to keep digging for form, there's no easing back from where I am at!

I'm kinda tracking last seasons form - ready to be running well by June but crossing paths in the opposite direction hopefully!

So reality is that today was a good speed workout for the legs. Hurdling checks out OK but feeling right now that my fitness is not going to be where I want to risk the 100-200 euro entry fee for Gothenberg. I'm still 2 weeks away from being fit and I'm still on track to go close to 4.20 at Watford if the improvement stays on track.

Did around 5 miles total with jogging and I'll get a shakeout in later to bring it up to 8 for the day and 43 for the week to date with long un to come.

Next week I'll most likely dial back from Wednesday / Thursday.

Big thing right now is cruising at 1500 pace and sessions around 67-69 per 400 will pay out as I think I can handle those. Flat out speed will come but that will take time so no point worrying about 800 just yet. I'll def use these races for speedwork again tho. Plan as the minute is just to pick each race as it comes and then move on based on that. I'm about 8/10 shape right now but it's cooking under the hood and it's within touching distance.


Out early but feeling pretty good. 14.4 miles with Dan around Goddy loop. 7.32/mm pretty easy today and no issues with the legs. Was moving pretty well.

57/58 miles for the week. Got it back on after a couple of low weeks. 49, 52, 55, 37, 43, 58 for a 6 week block and only really missed 2 runs (long 16 and a session). 


Recovery day. Focus this morning is on looking at that 400m speed. I think looking at my endurance and how I am coping across the board it's my speed that's really missing and adding more strength at this stage is not going to make a huge difference.

I have to focus on how I get myself around 1 lap much quicker and make that happen.

I like to keep things simple, it's going to be simple changes and analysis over a couple of weeks.

Right now the focus is on hitting faster work in sessions (target 1500 down). So I have to keep discipline on the tempo / 3k up work. Ideally this week it'll be much more volume at 800/1500 pace (32/69)

Hip strength is key, keep up that work on the wickets and the standing from low squat. Just focus on those on non-session days.  

Calf raises I need to maintenance and also mobility - those are daily.

Nutrition - I need to really start to get on top of this. No snacking before training and only a couple of snacks.

QL / psoas release - twice per week focus on this ! Can't hurt and back / hips need some work so may help.

Hurdles and plyos - may try to get to the track on Saturday to do some work here and get some hurdling in and focus on plyos. If not could possibly try Friday, have a massage booked in though so probs not a great idea! Monday could be done I guess?


OK, training day. Mobility in the morning. Really keen to do a shakeout but will resist the urge in favor of being really fresh at track tonight. Will stretch well today and stay relaxed.

Plan in my head is good now, I just need to stay focused. The accessories will make the difference but it's going to be a good 3 weeks before I see real results (if it works).

9th June is the end of this block. I'll run an 800m the following day in the Vets league and all being well I should see some positive results from the training there - i.e I should feel super relaxed at 1500m pace.

That weekend I have a shit or get off the pot moment with the chase at Thurrock and the options are - a) 2k chase b) 400h / 400 double c) 3000m - all of these will pretty much depend on how Waford goes next Wednesday.

Nutrition is coming - laying off snack and trying to eat cleaner. Cannot chase if I am not at sub 10 stone. 

Track. Absolutely pissed it down tonight but warm and no wind.

Session was 400m - 800m - 800m - 400m all at 1500 pace off a lap jog. 

67 - my lead out. Too fast but replicated race and felt under control.

2.23 - through in 70 but faded slightly. Chased Andy (2.21). Tough but not criminal. 1200m in 3.30 so bang on target race pace.

2.25 - led lap in 71. Felt this. Andy stopped at 400m so last lap solo in 74. Felt OK at the 400m mark but last lap was a struggle (as it should be). Much easier in a group BUT was working hard and trying not to fade too much.

68 - closed comfortably, don't get me wrong - was hard - but wasn't crazy fade down the home straight. Kept it together. 2nd 1200m in 3.33 

We ended up doing 2 x 800m tempo in 2.48 and 2.43 off 40 secs recovery feeling pretty comfortable.

Recoveries were around 3 mins in the session and slightly longer at the end as Andy made up for the missing 800m.

2 mile warm up and cool down. 

Moving really well tonight. Exactly the session I needed and moving in the right direction.

8.5 miles for the session.

Think this will help me in my lactic buffering. Paces were slightly off (70 target) but I think once recovered and adapted I can safely aim at sub 4.25 on Wednesday week. Plan is to try and sit at 70/2.20/3.13 and see what happens on the last lap. Chance of a grandstand finish but from there unlikely to explode.

Tomorrow will def be easy run day and some s&c. Then recover up to the next session on Thursday 


Out early to get some materials for the roofer. Headed out to run about 11am after Normateccing legs. Felt like I was moving pretty well today once I got up the hill. 6ish miles nice and relaxed just staying easy and moving well.

S&C in the afternoon. Did my full workout with added plyos that are a must now. Decent workout, lets see the benefits in the next 3 weeks.

Headed to St Ives to officiate the open meet in the evening so tiring day !

Coming into this now at my age and looking at training I think I am adding too much junk into the mix to manage the quality. 

Following a really good athlete at my club. 3 x sessions per week. No junk mileage around that and a long run plus 1 easy run. I think I would actually enjoy that set up more. 1 decent lift day and 1 day off completely is not actually far off what I am doing. 

Staying active is the name of the game.

M - lift, T - sesh, W - easy, T - sesh, F - rest, Sat, sesh, Sun - long. This is how my week would look (non race weeks)

Race week - rest Mon, Strides Tue, Shake Wed


Up to meet Johnny Mac so skewed day on normal. Getting the house prepped to get moving - a bit stress incoming !!

Track. Usual warm up / cool down. Session was 3 x (5 x 300m) off 45 sec 100m jog and 5 min between sets. All at target 1500m pace.

Felt ropey today and session felt very much like going through the motions but none-the-less - [52,53,52,51,51] [51,52,51,52] [51,51,51,52,50] for a 51.4 average or 68.6 pace (4:17.3). 

Tried to stay relaxed through the session and although tough it was manageable until last 3 reps of last set I would say. Recovery was 44 secs so went early and 4 mins 59 lol.

Comparative to last time I did this session I was around 53 high avge. Set recovery was much lower but between efforts was more. I had just come off of a disappointing 16.33 so in pretty good shape here.

Interesting thoughts for Wednesday, I would say now that Par would be anything 4.24 / 4.26 (70.4 - 70.9 per 400m) which would be improving on what I have done. A platform to push off from but still a way down. I think moving well and getting a solid run in the books is key right now and then build into the season properly from here. I think at around 4.25.xx I am in sharpening stages rather than purely looking to build fitness. I'd say from Peterborough I was in maybe 4.35 shape so a long, long way off being anywhere like race fit. From 4.25 then 4.15 is a possibility with race fitness. Hey-Ho just don;t over think things !!


Up early and massage so rest today and let the legs come back to me. From here onwards it's easing in to Wednesday as I need to feel good on race day and not have tired legs.


Session day. Tempo and 1500 pace today. Meet Andy at Girton and into a good warm up. 2 @ 7.32/mm.

Session is 5.5km @ tempo effort then jog back to the park and 4 x 60 on 60 off at 1500 pace.

Tempo effort is 19.49 @ 5.48/mm (through 5k in 17.59). HR 164 bpm avg maxed out at 171. 

Then 4 x 60 around the cricket pitch at 4.50 - 5.00/mm.

Decent cool down at sub 7s. 10.3 miles for the session.

The tempo was pretty comfortable for about 4k then last mile was a bite. Probably just the fatigue in the legs from the week but fairly solid effort and nothing too crazy.

The 60s were hard work as we kept moving between the tempo back to the park. Alphafly not amazing on grass tbf !!

3 decent workouts this week. If all goes to plan on Wednesday I can stop pushing so hard and start to relax and get used to paces a bit more.

Right now each session has been pushing hard and trying to improve. Barring disaster I should now be in a position to relax the pace on 1 of those sessions and run at current paces rather than targets! 

I've raced regularly in the last 5 months with tired legs trying to push through and also hit times but now on I'm hoping that I'll just be tweaking and running on much fresher legs regularly.

Pretty tired after that session. Lot of volume but good work. Feeling like I am in good shape but need my legs to come home and start feeling fresh and strong. Have not felt that for a while.


Easy easy hour. Legs feel fried today so just plod out around 8 to end the week. Plan now is to ease the legs back in for racing as I haven't had fresh legs for a  hot minute.

41 / 42 miles for the week off 5 days and 3 sessions. Pretty good return. This is now the end of the pushing for fitness phase (if all goes well Wednesday!)

From now on it's all race pace stuff and fresh legs !!

Weekly miles since coming back from injury after Torun - 49, 55, 52, 42, 58, 42


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