Back in the routine

Decided this week to stop the swinging training and pressing too much on the routine. Go back to the simple, workable plan and get some fitness. I've been chasing too hard and all I have ended up doing is chasing my tail.

This week I went back to basics. 5 run days per week. No doubles, maximise rest, some strength, some plyos and just build some consistency.


Gym - lifting all the leg muscle groups. Need to keep going with this, good plan and not too long so no excuses to drop. Been doing my s&c at home lately so nice to hit the gym again.


Session. 1500m finals tonight so headed to the lake loop with Jacob (not that one!) and did 5 x lap off 60-90 recovery. Jog back home. Plan was threshold but ran it to feel and just looked at lap time. Ended up 10k -> 5k.

2.26, 2.20, 2.21, 2.20, 2.17 (5.39/mm -> 5.14/mm). Recovery about 80 secs avge.

Moving well, not too bad at all and felt nice to have some pace in there.

5.8 miles 


Solo run as travelling away for a few days with Ange & Lola. 6.95 miles @ 7.17/mm. Moving pretty well. Sliught ache around achillies but manageable. HR too high in the second half but to be expected.


10k in the Forest of Dean. Lots of getting lost. Hilly as shit. Wanted to session but not really in the mood. Did some downhill strides to open the legs. 7.36/mm avge but pace was all over the shop. Did 7 miles of walking that day too so tiring!


Decided to travel home in the evening. Run rest day and did not do planned arm weights just wanted to recover so lots of stretching and rolling when I got up. Another 5 mile walk in the Forest with some huge climbing.


Decided to do Northstowe parkrun with Dan. Tempo Parkrun just to get the head used to running 5ks again in prep for September. 18.14 for the Parkrun (all to feel) and then headed out back to do 4 x 60 on 60 off. Ons were 4.59, 4.44, 4.57, 4.42 pace so bang on 1500m. HR during the tempo was really good comapared to how it has been. Got to 166 bpm at half way and just stayed around there. Probs 160 bpm avge (fucked up lapping it)

Pleased with that. Will repeat this session next week (2 more 60s) and aim to keep HR where it is.

Achillies little sore afterwards but some gunning and topuch wood all a-o-k for tomorrow.

6.5 miles total.


Finally a proper long run. 15.85 with Dan @ 7.39/mm. Felt pretty heavy legged but was moving well enough. 

So finished a week on the old schedule. I find this really works well for me starting back or tryiong to find consistency. 3 quality sessions, a long run and an easy. 

Managed 1 x weights and 1 x plyo but I'll build up from here as these will be key to getting speed in the legs.

Plan next week is to do 2 x track sessions and same again on Saturday but try and go slightly faster and do 4 x 75 on offs.

Good spot. Nothing has fallen off. Next race will be Watford 3000m on 4th Sept all being well and plan is to try and knock out a seasons best.


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