
Showing posts from August, 2024

Race thoughts, the plan and coming targets

A bit of a waffle waffle post. Mainly downloading and I'll probably never read again but always good to take stock of where you are. I'm 3 weeks in to the consistent training so roughly heading abouts where I was (time wise) coming in to Watford last time. I feel like I am going to be around 9.30 shape - 76 per lap. I certainly don't think outside of a terrible day at the office I would blow up from there. I'm a little less confident about the 1500 as it's likely to be solo but again, start with a plan to run 70s and anything south of 4.25 would be acceptable at this stage. It's a short hop to Battersea for the 5k. I definitely feel that a sub 16.30 is on the cards there as it's just hanging in at the start and just trying to hold form. At this stage those time would be about right. I'm not sure how it looks after that as the biggest target of winter will again be the masters 5k and for the 1st time in 3 years trying to avoid cold/flu/covid. The plan tra

Week 3 - Starting to roll

Week 3 - time to start moving! This week is transitional and should see me go from getting it done to knocking on the door! Both calf muscles are tight and need attention. Ideally this week I will at least get into spikes at some stage. The rough plan is - Sesh Tuesday & Thursday. Longer CC on Wednesday (I have been shattered last 2 weeks so this will be interesting. Parkrun tempo + intervals on Saturday (5am airport drop off beforehand aaahhh) and proper long run on Sunday.  Not too fussed aboput leg weights or plyos this week. Coming off sore calfs and achilies I'll just be happy to get faster with less pain. 50 miles (0/8/10/8/0/8/16) Mentally I need to start dialling in to race effort, start to get psyched up to toe the line. Diet needs to improve some. Not at panic stations yet but look to race at 10 st 3. Hoping to feel healthy so plenty of sleep required. Monday Rest day (standard). No weights or plyos just full stretch, gun and normatec with some ROM stuff. Ideally wake

Week 2 - routine

Hard top say where I am at. It's all been a blur since early June when I picked up the knock. I'm really just trying to get back into a good routine and feel quicker again. I don't think the last however many weeks (I did a 70 mile week recently) are worthless. I'm feeling that under the surface there is some fitness and pace that just needs some tlc !! I have races in the diary! This is positive and I actually feel good about them. Watford on the 4th September over 3000m and this should see me back to seasons best territory. From there I'll make the hop to 5k at Battersea and hopefully back into sub 16.30 land and then a 10k blast at Cambridge Town & Gown. It's a nice progression in distance! I'll keep the weekly Parkrun / session in there too as that's beneficial if anything to getting me used to lining up and running uncomfortably tempo for longer. Once that is out of the way it's basic winter training with an eye on improving strength & p

Back in the routine

Decided this week to stop the swinging training and pressing too much on the routine. Go back to the simple, workable plan and get some fitness. I've been chasing too hard and all I have ended up doing is chasing my tail. This week I went back to basics. 5 run days per week. No doubles, maximise rest, some strength, some plyos and just build some consistency. Monday Gym - lifting all the leg muscle groups. Need to keep going with this, good plan and not too long so no excuses to drop. Been doing my s&c at home lately so nice to hit the gym again. Tuesday Session. 1500m finals tonight so headed to the lake loop with Jacob (not that one!) and did 5 x lap off 60-90 recovery. Jog back home. Plan was threshold but ran it to feel and just looked at lap time. Ended up 10k -> 5k. 2.26, 2.20, 2.21, 2.20, 2.17 (5.39/mm -> 5.14/mm). Recovery about 80 secs avge. Moving well, not too bad at all and felt nice to have some pace in there. 5.8 miles  Wednesday Solo run as travelling away


Wow, I have restarted about 10 blogs since the injury. It's 2 months since my last blog and since my achillies 'went'. The short version is I have trained, I have run slowly, I have done plyos and I have done s&c. I can run slow but sessions affect it more. I did a decent session 12 days ago but was affected afterwards and after that my head went. I finally did a session that I could recover from on Tbursday albeit slower and shorter but it finally feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am at the stage where I don't want to think about racing, I just want to get back to a routine. From there I will start to build and it won't take long to get back where I am starting to close in on fitness. I can run I can plod slowly without affecting it too much.  Plyometrics will set me free I need to do this 3 x per week. Have finally done week 2 of the plan and I have to focus on these Consistent strength & mobility Each muscle group (calf raises, glute h