Week 4 - Pre Race Building

Week before the race block starts.

Plan for this week is to dig in early and then start to relax towards racing.


Plyos - started back at week 1. Bascially need to focus on these so loop back and re-do properly. On seated jumps I got Sawyer to do some and he got to the top of the chair! I am basically half way. This is a big reason behind my lack of explosive sprint speed. 


Busy morning then track. Point to note - I was tired all day, didn't sleep great and routine was way out of whack with golf and a house viewing.

Track. From now on assume warm up / cool down is standard 2 miles each! 4 x 600m (3k) 4 x 300 (1500m) 4 x 200m (800m). Target paces 1.54 / 52 / 33

Reality - [1.55, 1.54, 1.55, 1.56] - [52, 52, 54, 52] - [32, 33, 32, 31]

So basically 1.55 on the 600s, Just outside 52 on the 300s, 32 on the 200s.

Felt far too tough, there wasn't much relaxing going on. Disappointing. Was dropped for 2/3 secs per rep BUT closing the gap. The build into this made it tough as I was very tired but really frustrating session. The sort of session that you do question why I am bothering with all this. 

Feels like a I need a race in my legs to kick start things so at least that is happening. Feels rough though. Was actually very strange in the session as I felt totally flat from the gun BUT it did feel like I could push on but maybe was just a mental issue from being at the back / ran off the back.

Time to turn it around. I think that I really just want the 600 stuff at 3k pace to feel much more relaxed at this stage. I felt gassed with 100 - 150 to go on each rep and conditions were A1 last night. The good take home is that the 1500 and 800 pace were on target and actually did feel as they were supposed too (especially as I found the 3k pace so hard).

Don't over think things. I need to stay consistent and keep on top of diet and S&C in the meantime. There is not a huge amount I can do before this race block and my targets are not insane so no reason I can't step up. It does feel like a confidence issue.


Legs pretty sore waking up but got mobility in today.

am) Plyos. Need to stay consistent with these. Legs feel pretty beat up today but figure something is better than nothing!

I need to up my water intake. At least 6 pints per day, ideally 8 (a gallon). Lets see how I feel upping it to 6 over the next week or so.

If I have 2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch, 2 with dinner I reckon I can handle that.

Today I am 2 pints in (breakfast, post plyos). I reckon I usually do 3 maybe 4 normally. Yesterday I hardly had any before training. 50% increase today lets see how I feel tomorrow. Not the effects daily and see the difference. 


Early one as out for anniversary. Met Matt at the track at 9am. 

Session was 2km @ threshold [120] 500 [45] 500 [60] 1000 [120] 500 [45] 500 [60] 1000

Target paces were 5.50 and 5k pace. Worked out at 5.40 per mile for the threshold and almost exactly 78s for the 5k work (1.38, 1.36, 3.16, 1.38, 1.38, 3.16)

Really pleased to hit that right. It bit hard last 500m of the last rep but other than that in control. Definate improvement.


Rest. Hangover and just trying to get my legs back so total rest today.


Taper session. Ran up to the cricket pitch and was being used (for footy) and MUGA was rammed so walked back to lake.

Adapted session. 800 tempo, 4 x 400 @ 3k, 4 x 200 @ 800, 800 tempo. All off long recoveries. Paces way out as on lake and trails but time wise was bang on as was effort. Ran it to feeling.

Tried to relax more on the 200s and certainly helped. I think relaxing at pace is key to getting quicker for me.

HR is well under control and I'm starting to feel good. Race fitness is all that's missing. Just need to be patient over this block and continue to build from here.

Will do plyometrics this afternoon and that's 3 for the week. Easy run tomorrow very much under control and that's about it until Wednesday evening!

pm) Plyometrics, not really improving on these but always seem to be doing on tired legs. Still around 180cm for broad jump but timing is improving.


Headed to gym with Ange and did an easy 8 at 7.47/mm for 139 bpm. Felt tired, lot of volume at quality and just catching up with me. Need to really recover hard up until Wednesday now. 

Pre-race block week done. 4 weeks of consistent training and 3 weeks of meh before that. My calf / achillies finally seems to be in the clear to the point I don't really think about it which is really positive.

My HR on sessions and at target paces is actually really strong but I feel like I am running hard. I am just lacking race fitness now which is why I am doing a few!

I know I can build from here, I don't need to keep pushing I just need to relax at 70/76/78 pace as targets. I have a plan in my head now for post race block. Obviously a week afterwards I am away for a few days but apart from that a nice consistent push and I'll drop the Saturday sessions in favour of speedwork on Mondays and likely do 6 days with that in there and see how it progresses.

39.9 miles for the week. 3 sessions, 3 plyos.  Rust buster and a benchmark incoming! After that a hit out towards Battersea then it's post season week then winter build.


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