Week 5 - A RACE block

Wow, 14 weeks after pinning a number on its finally time to race!

Have to say, very nervous and I hate being in a position to question what sort of shape I am in with no real idea of what to expect. Peterborough threw my confidence last time I came in untested and expected better. This time I am cagey. 

I've been chasing fitness so much this summer I have forgotten what it feels like to roll.


Rest. Chill and keep on top of the body. Feels better after an easier finish last weekend.


Hit track with J and joined group warm up / cool down and just did 4 x 200m strides in spikes. 39, 37, 36, 30. 39 felt like 3k pace - ouch. 37 was OK but felt much faster than 3k pace. First 2 in Dragonfly. Switched to Victories for last 2. Felt much faster. 36 was good then pushed the last 200 in 30 but was surprised how relaxed that was. Can run a 28 I reckon in these spikes which is amazing. Achilles was slightly sore so decided to wear the Dragons tomorrow and stay safe.


Shakeout - 11.45am just 2km @ 7.10ish pace running 6.20s by end and feel good.

Arrive at Watford, 2 miles very easy. 800m tempo to fire me up in the dark with no Garmin. Drills and strides. Feel relaxed and no issues anywhere.

Gun goes and settle inside mid pack early, lots of jousting but largely stay out. Through 200m in 37 and hr rises. Peaks at 400m in 76 and feels insanely tough but levels off soon after. Still hate this feeling as hr rises in a race and I feel like I can’t sustain this effort. Always settles once hr levels off.

Bit of fucking about with kids moving all over the track but inside line and cruising. 3.11 through km.

Splitting 75s & 76s. Feels too quick but keep grinding. Lack of races very clear. Not confident or relaxed because of this.

Don’t get splits from here but guessing 3.11 for 2nd km too from Matt's splits.

Matt comes back to us and 450m to go I dig past and up the pace. Feel good enough, probably mentally as with 300m to go I feel I am tying up again (there’s that lack of race conditioning!!). 200 to go very aware I am moving really slowly but don’t panic as I’m not going to drop too much from here. 

Matt passes with 150 to go and I grind slowly through the line in 9.33.85. A third 3.11 split!

Last lap was around 79 with last 200m at probs 42 so very close to being decent throughout.

Cool down with J & Matt and James O - 6 laps easy laughing.

Really happy as I knew 9.29 was an ask but was actually on for about 9.27 with 200 to go. Legs had an air of Toruń about them. I am not 100% but maybe the half tights are just causing that extra slight resistance that’s maxing my quads out? Will try without them Sunday.

From here it’s not a million miles to decent fitness and times. Had feared a 9.5x was on the cards so pleased to move on from that.

Great to race with Jacob again, he killed it with a 9.20 what a comeback!


Very easy 5.5 and felt light and responsive. After a 6hr round trip to lower mill was very happy to feel light.


Pre 1500m session. Warmed up and hit track early with Jake who was going for a  longer session.

400 - 68 

400 - 67

200 - 34

200 - 33

Off 400 then 200 walk.

Relaxed after a race and really happy with times, 1500 effort but still think 71 avg ish is the target (4.25)

Wore victories and they felt great. Worried calf / Achilles would object but nothing at all. Also wore flappy shorts, could be something in that. If so I have spunked a fortune 🤦🏼‍♂️😂

Now time to relax and get to the start line as fresh as possible 


Parkrun. Just to get numbers up and run easy. Met John and Al. Ran 21.30 ish (6.52 pace) for the parkrun very very comfortable and HR really low. Cool down with 4 x 15 sec strides then that is that! Chill and rehab.

Nice message to see Andy won the Masters Inter Area 800m which fuires things up nicely for tomorrow.

Finally feeling fit. Not chasing, everything is coming to me just need to stay healthy and relaxed for the next 6 days and 3 hours and I am golden. 2 really good racing opportunities in good form. Feels so nice to feel good running again.


Up and atom. Feel ok, shakeout after breakfast. Slight Achilles ache but overall good.

Get to MK and fuck it’s a tiny meet! Warm up 2 miles around the locality nice and easy to shake the journey out.

Quick poo then tempo warm up (no Garmin just to feel). Usual nerves but happy and relaxed to be racing.

Get my drills in and spike up. Go for the vics and flappy shorts.

Race starts and 2 guys targeting 3.49 are off and take a couple of kids with them. Pass a youngun early and from then on it’s han solo.

Through 400 - no clocks at track and no splits called so wore my Garmin. 400 in 70, feel ok and keep effort the same. Through 800 in 2.22 so just about right. Relax too much to the bell in 3.18. Wore hard to try and close. Don’t feel like I’m moving quick at all but just hoping I can keep it sub 72! Push to the line and Garmin is 4.28.1 and official 4.28.8.

Actually pretty happy with that. It’s about right, it’s a replication of my indoor week in Feb when I got pretty fit straight afterwards and I really did not feel quick at all.

Now it’s all about freshening up for Battersea so I’ll rest up tomorrow and get ready to get on it. A good showing there will be A1 heading in to winter training feeling mentally like I haven’t got near my limit yet.

Really, really pleased to get off the racing mark again. It's been a minute! Time wise I am about right, 71.7 avg lap for 1500m and 76.5 for 3000m which is what I have been training to.

Both races I gassed on the last lap which is just lack of a) faster work and b) race work so all good. It will improve just from racing and training.

The most interesting thing was both races I never felt like I was moving quick which is always a good sign of progress and headroom. The 1500 in particular felt like I was really slow. 

32 ish miles for the week with 2 races & 2 track sessions is fine. Lots of quality and most importantly I AM RACING AGAIN.

The best part is that I am at an entry level to decent fitness now. Bench marking is exactly where it needs to be and the fittest I have been going into winter. The worst part is that I always want to be fitter and it's frustrating to be back where I was in February!

This week the plan is to stay fresh up until Battersea. In theory I should be bang on for just under 16.30 shape.


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