Marathon Training Week 1

So after last Saturday's track race, I have been feeling pretty fluey all week. I thought I may have something in my system at the race but I have been feeling pretty rough all week with a sore thorat and phlegmy. My legs have struggled to respond to the training and have felt rubbish all week.

So what better time to start upping the miles !!!

I made the decision after the race to go for it in the next Southern Mens league and not do the other races I had planned. I have been ill about 15 times this year and running hard is taking too much out of me. I just don't have the base of fitness after a reduced March -> June. The plan for now is to get plenty of easy miles in, lots of cross training and stick to one track session a week to keep the speed up. I am officially in training for London next year :)

So, Sunday morning I pumped the tyres up and hit my longest bike to date - 25 miles in 90 mins. Slow avge pace but didn't feel saddle sore at all and really enjoyed it.

Monday I was at a family wedding all day and night so obviously no training but legs were still properly mashed.

Tuesday was the day I really noticed I was still ill. Got a very easy 6 wombled in at lunch with Andy and a nice steady 6 with Mr Wenn in the evening. First 12 miles in the bank!

Wednesday was out with the family all day, messed around in the pool and sea with the kids and got home after 9pm and CBA to run or turbo as I had hanging indigestion from MacDonalds on the way home :)

Thursday back on it! 8 miles early evening after a hard day at work in the rain along the river @ 7:17 pace. Slowed slightly as it went on but an honest run considering I am not a well man! 3.5 easy miles in the evening to get volume in. What a whore :)

Friday first long run of 12 miles very slow with Andy at work. Legs felt awful and 9:50/mm felt like 7/mm ! Got it done and then at home instead of 4 easy miles decided to do 10 hardish on the bike. Course pb of 31 mins 11 secs for 9.8 miles. 2.30 of exercise for the day so slow pace but good volume.

Saturday really felt it. Legs were smashed, felt like I was struggling to breath. 5k on the trails very slow recovery pace and tried to run another 5 in the afternoon but bonked and just ended up jogging to the shops to get dinner in (fajitas - nice!)

Sunday - 5 easy in the morning and 5 progressive in the afternoon. Nice to finish the week with 50 miles in 5 running days. 6:53/mm for the last mile of the week feeling ok. Just hope tomorrow I wake up feeling healthy.


50.12 miles
8:17/mm avge pace
10 training sessions
7hr 26 total training time
5 days running
2 rest days


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