Know Your Limits

2014 is rapidly drawing to a close with a nice 2 week break from training.

It's been an interesting year for sure. To be honest there have been no huge results, couple of dissapointing ones but mainly I've filed most races in the 'job done' box.

Last weekend was my last race of the year, our clubs Ashman TT (which was postponed from summer). After forgetting my bike shoes and having to drive home to get them I managed all of 200m warm up before I was off (6 mins after getting bike out of the car)!

My race finished with a puncture on lap 2 but in all honesty it was not going to make a big difference to the outcome of the race.

Got to say it sums up my year on the bike really. I've just not got it right. Not trained hard enough and not done the right training. If I'm honest I just don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I get the basics but not purely concentrating on the bike means I am not making the most of my time. I have no idea what sort of power / cadence / effort I'm really supposed to be doing for each session so I'm trying to wing it if I'm honest, and just hoping that what I am doing is right.

It's hard for me to guage because I have nothing to benchmark progress off. I've never been fast enough on the bike to know what sessions / mileage and stuff works. I've toyed with getting a coach but again I don't know where I should be looking.

I am wise enough to know I can't start panicking yet but I'll just keep cracking on and hoping that I see some progress in the multitude of numbers my power meter and training peaks throw up!

I reckon my swim plan from pre Mallorca was perfect for me and I was seeing some great progress from that and feeling good. I'll definately be doing more swimming in 2015 as I've enjoyed that this year.

Run wise I'll keep up the 3 times a week routine that I think keeps me where I need to be. My runs were strongest part of 2014 (up to Half Iron !!) and hopefully they'll stay the same. Definately no marathons in 2015 though!

Most importantly though is the fact that in 2015 I'll be racing as a completor. I think last year I put too much pressure on myself to start getting towards the front of races. I'm just not that good! I think with the training I am doing I can mix it up and make age group teams but that's about as far as I can take this. It's too easy to get caught up in times and places but reaching too far just takes the fun out of the sport.

2015 is all about having some fun!


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