January in the Bag

I think the thing that I've taken most from January is - BLOODY HELL IT'S COLD !!!

I have to be brutally honest and say that I have had enough of this. There have been rides and runs that I've been frozen to the bone and even walking from kitchen to the garage to do a turbo has left my hypothermic!

But enough of my whining, on to the juicy stuff - the training. Now since the start of the year I (like a lot of people it seems) have gone all #SS on your arses. Unless you know where to look obviously :) No Strava, no tweets or FB messages about training just good old fashioned hard work.

Swim - it's been interesting. I got my low monthly target of 10 miles in. Started the month in poor shape with no motivation but started to perk up by the last session of Jan. Still only doing 2 sessions per week which is not good enough but I'm in a good position to build. Give myself a 6/10 here but February I'll be aiming for a record month in terms of volume (16 miles) and start to build up the strength in the water for May.

Run - actually started month in OK shape but with a tight calf. Tore the calf & finally started to come through the other side by the last week of Jan. Plan for run is very specific to build 5 mpw each week up until end of March and slowly increase pace. Really not worried, I'm in bad shape but I've seen some shocking performances out there this year from some people already haha

Bike - biggest bike month ever. Real focus on turbo sessions, dropped distance on long ride but upped frequency and hours. Pretty sure it's going well but need Ely 25 next week to find out. Plan is to keep on keeping on. Actually confident that things will go well this season - they couldn't go worse than last year to be fair! Some good rides with the PM and starting to get a feel for putting the intensity in at the right times. Lots more Z3 & 4 than 1 & 2 (although as Coach Turner points out how the fuck do I know what my zones are!!). Plan for Feb is to keep building, no need to do more volume until the sun comes out a bit.

Last couple of weeks have had a bit of a head cold lingering. Zapped the higher intensity stuff a bit so hope is that I'll return to health and get a kick on from the training. This week I'll go easier due to race on Sunday but I've had 4 solid weeks in a row.

February has 2 races in the calendar. Ely 25 & Nice-Tri duathlon. I'll play 2nd one by ear depending on how the calf holds up but the big picture plan is to keep increasing CTL through the month. It's only Feb and I still need a solid base, right?

January totals pretty good but I've given myself plenty of lee-way to build on with missed & short sessions and I'm feeling pretty fresh going into Feb. Build a bit more volume & tweek a bit more intensity each week but still want to get to March 1st fairly comfortable.


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