
OK OK so it drives me mad when people post all sorts of data and numbers about how great their training is going #choppers but I am going to post my stats here. In all honesty I don't believe anyone is actually reading this drivel apart from me so I'm pretty safe from getting busted!

January scores on the doors are as follows -

Swim 13.5 hours
Bike 28 hours
Run 12 hours

Total Hours 53
Rest days 2

The month broke down as 2 'standard' weeks, 1 'focus' week and 1 'over load' week.

Wow, just reading this shit back how on earth have I got the nerve to call other people choppers lol

So, standard week is pretty much bread and butter. Some quality plus some volume. Focus weeks are more about pace and testing than volume and over load weeks are obviously purely about getting the time in.

This is the first loop of base training and the idea is to mix up some volume along with some quality. February will follow the same pattern of 4 weeks. March I have no idea, it's probably a good time to start panicking by then!

In true geek fashion the weekly hours were around 13, 10, 10, 17.5 (obvs some days at start of month)

Pretty happy with how January has gone. Swim is still consistent, I swum a 6.00:50 400m at the end of a session and a 15.40 1km in the month so I'm borderline looking to go close to an hour for IM if I can keep the improvement up. The plan is to keep the swims at 10km per week and build in volume when open water is back on. Much easier to get the volume in when my swim buddy is around for early swims as my 5.30am alarm doesn't get set when I'm on my own!

Bike wise I think I am in OK shape, certainly for the time of year. Got to admit that a combination of Zwift & early Saturday group rides have helped keep the fitness up. It feels like I'm about where I was at the Leo 30 in October which was just over 200W FTP. Obviously at this time of year when conditions are shit that's not going to give big results but it's a much much better place to start than it was last year. Still finding I'm getting more unstructured efforts in on Zwift that's bringing the weekly TSS up.

Run is pretty shit. 3 weeks of around 30 miles and a week of 5 #ouch. By end of Feb I should be in half decent shape with some focus but need to keep running ticking over. I'd say I'm probably in about 1.26 half marathon shape right now but should be able to go closer to 1.20 by the end of the month. The plan is more intervals and some tempo work. Need to be averaging around 35 per week for the month if I'm looking to do London and not walk Austria!

Decent January but need to build in February. Main targets are swim - nail a sub 6 400m (needs to be in a session not a straight TT), bike Ely 25 at over 200W, run hit 140 miles for month (35 mpw).


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