
The definition of madness is doing the same thing again and

again and expecting different results!

The dust has settled on the first half of the season. It finished earlier than I had hoped and if I am honest, I really shot my bolt before the proper races started. I missed all of the great opportunities BUT and I do have a big one (!) there's part 2 to follow.

So I have moaned already about what went wrong. The biggest plus out of everything is that I am going into a break with no injuries which is a huge plus for me. No enforced break, it's a chosen one and those have been few and far between in the past 13 years (it's been that long - crikey)

I 100% know the formula that gets me into sub 17 shape (ish) and I peppered that for about 10 weeks. The bigger picture though is something completely different and that means I really have to change things up.

I am effectively completely starting from scratch and re building myself. It's actually easy for me to forget how well I have done off such a weak lower leg chain and at my weight.

The big issues are - power. I need much, much more power in my lower legs and core. Explosiveness - I need a lot of plyometric strength. I can barely hop 10 times onto a step on each leg. Weight  - I need to be 10 stone flat race weight.#

The running will take care of itself but I am missing so many critical parts of the jigsaw it's untrue.

Seriously thinking about getting a lifting coach to address this but for now I will do this solo and see what the effects are.

So that's my update. My legs are absolutely ruined with DOMS already, I've had a few weeks of some basic work but now the real work starts.

Next post will be once I am back running properly and DOMS free again.


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