Daz does his own head in

Coming to the end of July and TT season is pretty much over for me now.

I've focussed on bike only all year and I have to say the results are overall a bit disappointing. It's been a strange season with some great results mixed in with some awful ones. Consistently inconsistent has been the best way to describe it.

Best race was a Wednesday night on F2D/10 where we got float conditions on a fairly slow course. 20.56 and within 30 secs of Ian, Rich & Nic was surprising and a springboard (I'd hoped to start narrowing the gap). Alas what's really been shown up this year is and even bigger gap between my performance when it's flat and fast against any time the road goes up hill or into the wind (or even worse, both)!

A solid 1.53:05 for e2/50c on a slow(ish) day was probably 2nd highlight this year. Power was low but a decent effort there and a 4 min PB which could easily have been a sub 1.50 on a good day.

My 10's this year have all (but once) been destroyed by wind. Head / tail wind in the wrong direction every time and the slow parts have left me too much to do. Got my first ride on the holy grail v718 and tail wind out to the turn and halfway at 30.2 mph avge only to tail off to a disappointing 21:37 in probably worst wind conditions on that course.

Abbo has been even worse to a point I'm just assuming it's a mental issue that I can't push myself. Low power and as many 27's as 26's and no pb on that course for 3 seasons.

I've had a big & stressful year at work (who hasn't) I think that's had a lot to do with it. Probably over-raced and under trained too. I haven't done the 2 x 20 and 4 x 10 I'd liked to be banking regularly.

I've also fucked about with my position endlessley. I've raised and lowered front end, changed cranks to 165 mm, raise and lowered saddle, fore and aft saddle. Cleats slammed forward to midway. You name it I've looked at it. The end result is the same. Fast when it's quick, slow when it's not.

The biggest disappointment is knowing that on sporting courses I am useless and no better than I was 3 years ago when I was a 'runner'. If I wan't to go back to triathlon then I need to make a breakthrough on those conditions. I've always had 25.30 as the benchmark around Abbo for being one of the stronger riders in triathlon. Last night I was 27.15. That's giving up 4 mins over a 40km bike leg - far too much.

I know it's coming down to working my weaknesses. It's all about doing TT efforts at TT pace on hills and pushing on. My legs are strong, I hit the weights in the gym with Rich but get us on the golf club section at abbo and it's man and boy.

This winter I need to break that weakness out of me. I also need to start running again, I'm not making inroads without it and it's the only way to keep weight down !!


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