Dark Rehab


- the art of getting the body back to being injury free.

As a masters athlete my athletics journey looks something like this -

1./ Start to run, slowly with lots of aches

2./ Get a little better and start to run faster. Think about competing

3./ Get a niggle. Do some stretching and rolling

4./ Get faster still. Do some races. Niggle hurts more

5./ Buy something to try and miracle cure the injury

6./ Get injured, usually whilst in really good shape

7./ Hobble through. Loose fitness. Get frustrated.

8./ Rest. Get fat and do nothing.

Aaaaannnnd back to step 1. Usually getting ever so slightly faster each time

Strength Training

The definition of madness is repeating the same thing and expecting different results! So now I am focussed on changing up. Specifically, (as I have often mentioned my avoidance of) strength training.

I was today years old when I finally learned that if I have a niggle, stretching, icing, rolling, heating it is not going to make it go away. I have to make it stronger.

My body is breaking down because as you get older, you loose muscular strength. I am 46 years old, I am not going to change my running form now. If I am using the wrong form to address muscle imbalance then right now it's pointless going back to the drawing board. Target those weaknesses to fix the problem, just work with what you have.

This really is the Last Dance for me. I do not have another comeback in me. I just want one last crack at a sub 16 and possibly a V45 all time ranking on track. But it's going to require a lot of luck and a lot of very good decision making to get there.

My previous niggle (left achillies) is practically gone now. In a comical twist of fate my right calf has been strained since last Friday.

Now I have always focussed on glutal strength and considered that my biggest weakness as my lower legs are usualy the issue and put that down to hips not being strong enough so the chain breaks down and pulls up. But interestingly (for me) the role of the soleus is actually the biggest load on running stride.

It's not actually a chain event that I am suffering from. My lower legs are the limiting factor because my lower legs are weak!  K.I.S.S - I am not looking to solve dark matter! My calfs and specifically the soleus muscles need strengthening.

This article highlighted a lot for me. I was actually going to post some images but it speaks for itself (and includes the images)


So the comeback requires me to specifically target my calf muscles. The running can hold on whilst I sort that but it's going to be key to getting back. I've said time and again, as a masters athlete to stay in the game you need to do as much work off the pitch as on it.

So what of the glutes? I am not sure they actually need too much focus if I am honest. Their role in running at middle to long distance paces is mainly focused on bringing the lead leg through whilst airborne. Strengthening the lower legs should stop them becoming over active and trying to counter act that weakness.

My core has always been weak and it's given me lower back problems. Since I targeted that a few weeks ago, I am not feeling any ill effects any more m( I do a killer exercise daily that seems to be paying out).

So this may all be complete bollocks !! I may be back on here in a couple of weeks no further along. But it feels like I need to flip the script a little if I am ever going to reach potential.

The Coeliac Runner

In other news, I was 100% confirmed coeliac this week. In an interesting procedure called a gastroscopy where they force a large tube down your throat, through your stomach and into your intestine ( I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy) - it was confirmed. So as of now (well, Monday morning as I want to finish my beer stash this weekend) I will be gluten free.

I did read that some people go into almost mourning and panic. For me, I look at it as I have had this disease (it's NOT a gluten intolerance but an auto immune disease that eats away at your intestine lining) - and this disease causes my body to not absorb nutrients to the best of it's ability. I fix the disease then my body will respond with a positive performance boost! It's actually exciting that this may have been something that caused me to lower the bar. Who knows, again, could be absolute bollocks (I am known for it) but why not be positive about it !

Going Dark

I've gone pretty dark on social media for a while now. It's quite nice to take a step back and have a break. 

In all honesty there's not an awful lot to report anyway. I'm rehabbing my calf and not running. Life wise we haven't really done anything because we're in lock down! It will be nice to hopefully start re-posting when i am  in good shape again but at this rate that may be 2022 !


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