
So, it's been a stop - start - stop again return to running.

The skinny is I'm still not quite right. I have a sore hip flexor / piriformis / hip / glute / quad etc. etc. something on my left hand side is not happy. It's not agony, it's not popped but it's simply not 100%

Maybe it's covid related (consipracy theory) or just something else but it's not happening.

I've basically resigned to doing lots and lots of strength work and then keeping running very basic - 60/30s and a long easy run each week. 

I would say it's improving but it's a strange issue. Possibly need to get it checked out but the honest answer there is I cannot be fucked. I am old and my body does not work properly! Motivation is pretty low right now so I'll just play it by ear until it's ready to go again.

So that's my status. I'm doing stuff but it's not quick and not plentiful enough to be productive. If the strength work pays off eventually it may help but from here things seem very distant. 

Not the start to 2022 I imagined but it is what it is !!

No more updates until I'm back running properly again. Could be a long wait :/


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