Basic Plan For Speed & Hurdling - Winter

Q - What is it that I am missing that stop's me running 2 mins for 800m and completing a steeplechase ? 

A - Explosive strength

I am struggling to develop power through my stride. That's been the limiting factor on why I can't run under 60 secs for 400m. It's also been a factor in why I am not confident enough to steeplechase. At my height I need to be really explosive in the take off to clear the barriers. My hips are lower than the barrier height so I need vertical power to get up and over.

The fact that this would solve two problems is a huge reason for me to address it. I am also coming off a really good age 48 track season. Next year, at 49 it's not so important so I can have a winter developing that raw power and low distance focus because once I turn 50 the clock is ticking to get those all time rankings in !!

My current S&C & training plan has comfortably got me through the last 18 months. I can't just dissolve it. I need to adapt to change focus.

It's a big risk as if things stay the same I am still in really good shape BUT it does feel like my last throw of the dice needs a change in direction.

Firstly the 400m speed is exactly why I can't run under 2.10 or 4.20. I am very, very close to the envelope off 61 sec 400m pace. The times are directly relatable - If I can run 59.9 then I can run 2.08 and 4.16. Imagine if I can run a 56.xx - if that was the case I certainly believe I would be able to run 2.02 and sub 4.10.

The explosive strength to make that stride pop would translate to steeplechase because it's that explosive power that I am missing and not pure raw strength.

Currently I am thinking along the lines of incorporating my winter 'speed work' which would be 60-80 seconds (400m reps basically) and to adpapt that to a hill session keeping the effort the same. That will build relative power in the top end of the glutes. I loose nothing by doing this session in all honesty!

I will develop a plyometric plan based on bounding - repping sets of 10 hurdles each week and slowly increasing the height. I'll initially start doing this session 2 x per week.

In line with this I will continue my basic S&C through winter.

To keep this in place I need to keep my sessions consistent. So I will drop mileage to the point it's silly just so I don't over do my run training and loose the important stuff.

My winter training proper will start November. The view is to develop strength to have a crack at indoor racing and catch that sub 60 very early. Right now I am absolutely nowhere near running a 59!

Mon - rest

Tue - 16 x 60 hills & s&c

Wed - plyo hurdles & CC

Thu - volume threshold reps

Fri - 3 & s&c

Sat - long run

Sun - 3 & plyo hurdles


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