Back on it

After my HR test on Sunday, got out for 10k very easy on Monday with Andy at work along the canal & nature park route. Felt a bit tired again, this running lark is harder than I remember!

Tuesday I did a solo 14 miler. HR was way too high for pace. Felt like a real plod at 7:30's and HR settling around 150 bpm. Time on feet felt no real issue but was bit gutted that I couldn't lift it any without pushing too hard.

Wednesday I was looking forward to catching up with Mr Day for 10 easy miles along the guided bus way. Wow, first mile was about 7:40 and it was downhill from there! We both felt shite and it was really weird that it was so hard for such a slow pace. Maybe the Garmin is out :)

Today, caught up with the group for a road session. Ian Turner, DC, Ed & Tim O'Connor were all there for 1 mile downhill, 2 x 3k then 1 mile up hill. Recovery was around 3 mins. Mile jog to warm up feeling ok and some good stretching. After the past couple of days was not expecting anything.

First mile set off, Garmin showing about 7/mm when it was 5:20 pace ! Settled in just behind the other guys and ran in at 5:16. Surprised with that as I didn't feel any worse than normal.

First 3k effort set off and quickly went into lead. Garmin again was saying about 6:40 pace but hit first mile in 5:16. Stayed at that pace to 2k then slowed a bit through town. Don't like this part of the course but a neccessary evil! Finished up a couple of strides ahead of DC who closed me right down in 10.00 exactly!

2nd effort, felt really jelly legged for first quarter mile or so. Started to open up after that and felt really smooth. Through the mile in 5:16 or so again feeling OK. DC caught and flew passed me and held on a bit for the last part of the course. Finished up in 10.05. Not sure if my Garmin is accurate at 1.87 miles as that has me at 5:30ish for the 2nd mile.

Last mile back up the hill, aim was to run comfortably hard - 10k effort. To be fair it felt comfortable pace wise just the last hill was a basterd! Finished with 5:39 but was 5:30 until about the last 400m !!

Mile warm down and the legs stiffen up but that's to be expected.

Really good session, pleased with that. Know that I need to get into that smooth running at 10k - 10 mile pace. I can hack 5k - 5 mile but it seems to go to pot any further. Thorney 10k in a week and a half so time to set a decent PB at the distance!

Rest day tomorrow, 20 miles with DC & baldy on Saturday and an easy run mothers day to round up a good week back (hopefully).


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