Planning Ahead

When I can't run, I think a lot about what I have done in the past - what works, what didn't etc.

I know recently I hit a plateau in certain areas of running, while other areas wen't better than ever. Before London, I had become immune to adapting to running around 5.35/mm tempo runs. So much so that my last 2 races (10k & 5 miles) were around that, I had also done a lot of tempo work at that kind of pace on our Thursday runs. I was struggling to get faster at this pace while running around it was becoming easier. Good sessions and races were more about how I felt on the day than what I was capable of.

General fitness was better than ever & efforts below 'marathon effort' 6 miles @ 6.10 ish pace for example was easier than it had ever been. I really enjoy running at this kind of pace in training.

The biggest flaw in my training was specific long runs. I either hadn't done enough long runs OR I hadn't done the 2/3 at around marathon tempo effort that were required.

BUT, and the big but (just like mine after a week of beer and Harribo) is that I am generally fitter than ever. I have a great base, and a base is what you need to push on towards what targets you want to hit.

Targets for me are the real concern right now. I have options but they are miles apart. I would like to jump back on the marathon bandwagon for Berlin and have a real crack at that 2.3x that evaded me painfully on Sunday. I would like to crack 16 mins for 5k. I would like to run well at lots of distances on the road this summer.

One thing is for sure, I am not going to dedicate my time to track races this year. I will run, I will compete but I won't be targetting it. Well, probably not - I guess we'll see what happens :)

So planning training. I am away on hollybobs soon so I need to work out a sructure that can fit in the essentials, not take up too much time and be stripped to the bare bones to fit around the family if needed.

I really would like to incorporate these kind of sessions -

10 miles with 12mins/12mins/12mins (155, 160, 170)
10k progressive tempo (~7/mm -> 5.3x/mm)
3 x 3k, 6 x mile
13 miles @ 6.30 pace
14 miles @ 143 bpm easy
6 miles very slow jog
1 day gym/bike/swim

I think that gives me options to progress off the base I have. I want one very hard interval session per week BUT I want to add another 2 'harder than normal' sessions into that mix to bring thngs along. There is nothing wrong with how I am running right now but it's time to start moving up a level!

Legs today are OK. Jogged 4 miles yesterday out of frustration from Sunday more than anything. My head is still changing form 'great effort' to 'massive failure' via 'nice 10k split' !!


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