Paris marathon 2013

After my recent moans and groans and despite the shite weather I have actually managed to string some decent training together. Paris marathon is rapidly approaching and despite not feeling particularly fast I am feeling fitter than I ever have with all the X training I have been doing.

Run wise, a couple of 10-12 mile runs at sub 7's feeling easy and a couple of 8's at 6.30s feeling comfortable on top of the 24 I did a couple of weeks ago point to a 2.50ish run being in the right ball park. Don't think I've done enough tempo work to run a 2.45 BUT Paris was always supposed to be a stepping stone to Ironman.

So run wise, sub 7's feeling easy and still doing 30ish a week is checking the right boxes. Good run planned Sunday morning - 5 easy with Dan and then 10 at 6.30 pace with the group should be enough to get me to the start line in A1 shape. Then it's a matter of not ruining myself on race day so I can keep the hours up!

Swim has not been great BUT I have had a pretty good month (8 miles so far and hopefully do a session tomorrow). Not too fussed as long as I keep focus and can start smashing more swimming in closer to Ironman. Still swimming 1.50 pace OK and 1.55 pace in the pool over distances. Open water will make a big difference, struggling with volume on my own.

Bike has been OK considering the fucking shit British spring weather. 350 miles this month is not enough but not been able to get out enough and relied on turbo for sessions. Got a KOM on strava yesterday so can't be all shit. Also, have reverted to buying stuff - an O'Symetric ring should make me faster. Messed with bike set up which seems to be helping. TT season will show where I am at. Also got a nifty little Kask Bambino helmet :)

Road bike is also getting pimped up. Currently bidding on a set of top quality lighter wheels and an Easton carbon handlebar. Will buy a new Fizik carbon rail saddle so it should be lighter, faster and more comfortable. Hopefully with clocks moving forward and being able to do work commutes 125+ bike miles per month will be a doddle in the near future.

So Paris next weekend - big tester and hopefully an easy sub 2.50 run feeling OK and legs not getting smashed. If it pays off then I'll continue with the running I've been doing at the same pace BUT incorporate a hard, short tempo run once a week.

Cycling - Cambridge 100 with a commute will give me some real bike legs. On top of that the trip with the boys in the Devon hills and work commutes will pick my cycling up no end. Really need a few good weeks on the bike and I think I won't be a million miles away from where I need to be. Would like to do another 25 mile TT at some stage when it warms up a bit.

Swimming, need to keep up the 2 x per week. One endurance swim (40+ mins) and one session. When Jesus Green and the lakes open will be so much easier to do distances.

All heading in the right direction. Always wanted to slowly increase the volume and speeds rather than shoot my bolt in January / February like some I see.

Roll on July, I am going to get shit faced after this Ironman!!


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