Hip Hop

Back on glute watch today. My left glute is starting to twinge, regular followers (there are zero, well, just me !) will know that I've had several hip problems over the years and they usually signal the injuries that halt me in my tracks.

Plan is - 1) read back over the blogs and see where and when I've sorted them (when I have). 2) get on the trigger point tennis ball (this has helped) 3) foam roll 4) stretch out lower & mid back (that's really tight right now)

I'll hopefully manage it out and continue as I am ready to push onwards now.

Training wise, I'm not an awful lot fitter at 40 mpw than I was at 30 ?? Maybe it's not enough and I need a bigger block (the less fun route) or just switch back to where it was - that felt like a safer route in terms of injuries. Some strava stalking required I think


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