
So it's finally happened, the dreaded C word.

Pretty good week of training banked including a 27.17 club TT on Thursday. Set off for Saturdays Ashman cup (2 laps of Abbo) feeling tired after a late one. Probably first mistake as I'd not been up long before setting out.

Warmed up OK, legs heavy but easing up. 20.8 mph warm up to Abbon then coupe of miles spinning before the off.

Start went alright and I actually stuck in a good pace. Clipped off the first lap holding back in 28.30 so happy days. Second lap started quicker and I was pushing OK. Rich came past just before the turn.

Turn 1 at Abbot is a cunt. Very sharp and comes back on yourself. Always gravel on the road too. From what I remember I eased off early and drifted wide to get a good line. Probably cut in too early and as I drifted towards outside lane, hit gravel patch and I turned and hit front brake. Next thing I know I am about to crash. Weird feeling knowing it's happening. Landed on side of head and shoulder. Oakleys pushed into temple and gave me a monster black eye. Fair bit of road rash on the back and shoulder but just at top where I hit that's painful.

Luckily bike seemed to just roll head wards and saddle got torn a bit but apart from that not a scratch #phew.

Sat in the grass for a bit. A good samaritan pulled over and gave me some tissue and water. Was a bit spaced out and rode back to the start. Didn't fancy hanging about too long just wanted to get home and patch myself up.

Got home and Ange was none to impressed. Claret everywhere. Patched me up and eye swelled up like a balloon and looks like I've had a right hander from Mike Tyson.

Adrenalin got me through yesterday but this morning woke up feeling very stiff. Couldn't sleep much last night so had to text Dan and let him down for the half marathon and long miles we were banking on today.

So feeling rough here, lots of icing and neurofen and things are finally starting to ease up a bit.

Bike I'll have to check over fully to make sure it's 100%. Same with helmet. On me, head obviously still hurts but swelling on the way down and hopefully be OK by tomorrow / Tuesday. Back and hip all fine just road rash. Shoulder / arm sore but Ice seems to be helping. Keep that up tonight and be back as soon as poss.

Don't feel like confidence has been knocked, actually looking forward to getting back on the bike. And it's not like that fitness is going anywhere soon as long as I start feeling relaxed again and not stiff as a board!

Run wise I have left it very late. Going to have to take a risk on the run and put some good longer efforts in this week to get fit again.

Swim - biggest worry as I won't be able to get in the pool until shoulder has eased up and certainly won't be open water swimming until the wounds have scabbed over. Nice !!

More than anything just fucked off and feeling sorry for myself. Was on for a good time and needed today's run. As long as I am back getting something done soon I guess it's not the end of the world?

Plan looks something like this -

Monday - am) 8 easy pm) 8 steady *best case scenario
Tuesday - 30 steady bike
Wednesday - 13 easy / steady (2 x 2 @ MP)
Thursday - Swim
Friday - am) 40 bike @ IM pace on TT pm) swim
Saturday - REST
Sunday - 12 easy / steady (2 x 3 @ MP)

That would be ideal, not as much swimming as I wanted but all the bike and running are there. In fairness if I can be back doing 'something' by Tiesday it's not a total disaster. Leaves me drastically short of long runs but please god the cycling carries me through.


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