Nike Zoom Streak LT Spikes Review

Man, I LOVE these spikes.  1 session in, and the session was very average but they are exactly what I needed.

So a recap.  Spikes fucking ruin my calfs.  They have caused me no end of problems for years - since I started running again. So much so that I pretty much resigned to track racing in flats last year, only rolling out the Rival D's for a solitary 800m & 1500m.

I purchsed a pair of Zoom Victory XC - mainly because I was planning  afew XC races but mainly hoping the heel padding would help train on track. It did not.  A session and a couple of 200's in and they were really savaging the old calf muscles.

I happened upon the Zoom streaks after looking at the new Alpha Fly Victory ones.  These esentially are racing flats with a spike plate.  The zoom cushioning is immense and it has a good distribution from heel to toe and through the midsole.

Tonight session was 4 x km.  I would not dream of doing that in spikes generally but these we're as good as racing flats but with grip and support.

So one session in and already I cannot see me using anything else on track to train.  Maybe I'll try the harsher flats for racing 800m and below but at the minute I can't see anything else fitting the bill - they are that good.

When I think about how much money I have wasted over the past 11 years on running shoes, in the past 14 months I have had probably the best 4 shoes I have had in that period - Pegasus Turbo, 4%, Next % and now the Streak LT's.  I have to say the Vomero (2008/2009 model) was a game changer when I had shin splints.  The original Lunar racer was amazing when I was very fit and very trim and also the Lunar glide for training.  Everything else I've pretty much pissed my cash down the drain.

So n summary. Any older track guys with leg issues I have to say these get a massive thumbs up from me.

The session (if you're interested) was a pretty pony 4 x km in 3.25, 3.22, 3.22, 3.21.  It was windy and I'm still coughing (there's the excuses).  Better than last week (1 extra rep, 1 extra second). This is a staple session and Ideally the average needs to be down at 3.10 with a quick one in there.


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