Week Away

Just back from the family holiday for the half term break to Dubai.  Nice to get some sun on board, however training wise it was hard work getting out pre-breakfast as UK time I was heading out by 3.30 am most mornings.

Finished up running 27.5 miles out there from Sunday - Sunday.  Not too bad as it was a holiday after all and just enough to burn off the food!

Pace wise every run was pretty progressive.  Starting at 8/mm and finishing sub 7's.  Felt OK once I got going but wow, first mile or so felt horrible!

Happy enough with that.  Jacob did all but one run (cut back week before he prepares for English Schools XC) and Sawyer did a run with Ange and a session with us (rest week as he's targeting track season next).

Managed to get a session in of 8 x ~200m on the marina with the boys which was cool.

Lucked out with the weather, as it was close to 30 every day.  Got a decent tan but now we are home the serious business of getting fit starts!

This week I will try and top out with a big (for me) mileage week.  Aiming for 50+ which for me feels huge.  It's going to be a challenge in this weather and I'm still looking to keep 3 Q sessions in (although I'll keep disciplined on pace).

Running in Dubai was pretty hard on the feet as it's mainly concrete and paving - no tarmac or trails.  The Next% have gone back as they felt completely flat by the end of the week.  Testing out the new reacts now while I wait for the Alphas to come out ;)

Plan for this week is to just make up as I go along.  Tuesday 4 x 1km, Thursday 12 x 200m - these will be standard every week in this phase and idealls a Parkrun to set down a marker on Saturday but if weather is pony then the 4 mile tempo on the hill to benchmark.  Around that I will focus on nutrition and s&c to try to keep running.  I'll also try and double most days just to bump the miles.  The morning ones will be properly easy looseners just to skake out the legs and burn a few extra calories.  Hopefully this will build a bit more conditioning in.

The hip feels like it's completely gone now but the piriformis is aching which is likely a very tight calf - so focus on ankles and calfs.


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