New Beginings

I think that's the 37th time I've used that title !!!

Woke up feeling million % better this morning, still got DOMS on abs and hips but last night I couldn't even sit up so progress !!

Basic starting stats to benchmark -

RHR - 43 bpm
Weight - 11 st 0.7 lbs
Threshold pace - 6.12/mm

Interesting stats to kick off.  Weight has balooned as I've sacked off running and started eating garbage again.  that's all change today so should drop off comfortably.

Threshold pace was on my 10k yesterday, 3k - I'll use that as an index.   301w @ 3:53/km @ 159 bpm

Today the plan is -
Recover - need to heal still, no core
Strength - leg weights, specifically calf
Rehab - pilates on the glutes

Slow build but the plan was always to start intervals tomorrow!

The strenth work (weighted calf raises, weighted lunges and glute activation) really noticing the difference.  Feel stronger.  My hip is aching but I am hoping in a good way, in as much as I am breaking it down and rebuilding it!  Hopefully I am not just expediating a problem!

I feel more confident already about bounding and hopping but maybe that's just not running as much!  I guess the next few days will unravel what's going on under the hood but fingers crossed I will see better form and recovery.


Zoo all day with the kids.  Was really tired when I got back.  Not 100% sure I'm not carrying something today.  90 min power nap pre-run and felt shocking when I started.  Took it easy today, just did a lake loop.  Have moved the plans around to fit the Zoo in !

3.72 miles @ 7:05/mm @ 262w @ 148 bpm

Progressive (7:47, 6.59, 6.37, 6.48). HR was pretty high for the 6.37 split.

Still not 100% on hip area so being cautious for now with volume. Was only a mile or so short but seems pretty low !

Weight - 11 st


Weight - 10 st 13.5 lbs

am) 20 mins easy shakeout

pm) track - 2 x (200m, 200m, 200m, 400m) off 200m jogs
Felt tired and first set was uninspiring 36, 36, 37, 75.  Second set was much faster and felt better 34, 34, 34, 70.  I'll aim to add another set to that fairly quickly once I am back properly.

Decent run day today. Still not 100% and still carrying a few lbs but a fairly decent start.  In reality I need to add another set to that and take those times down to 30 secs for the 200m and 68 secs for the 400m.  It's not a million miles off if I am honest, maybe 5-6 weeks.

Also, loosing weight should help.  7 lbs = roughly 2.5 secs per 200m or 5 secs per 400m.  That's fairly significant as it puts me bang in the correct ball park.

Power wise, I am starting to gather some interesting data.

My stats are roughly -

8:00/mm   235w   Recovery
7:30/mm   250w   Easy
7:00/mm   260w   Moderate
6:30/mm   280w   Steady
6:00/mm   305w   Threshold
5:30/mm   335w   5k
5:00/mm   375w   1500m

I'm a little rusty right now but using these target numbers I can judge effort 
over time.

The numbers shouldn't change (except get easier or tougher in conditions) BUT
I should be capable of running higher power for longer.

Right now 270w is fairly comfortable effort and 375w is incredibly uncomfortable!


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