
It's been a while!

The body I have to admit has been a bit broken since the session last week.  It's been around 3 weeks now since I ran consistently and well.

The main issue is the calf / achillies which is likely a minor tear.  On top of that my left hip has started to ache (as it was just before I had the bigger injuries).  My lower back aches and generally I've felt a bit achey.

Motivation has been low.  Running on niggles can do that to a boy !

Yesterday, for one thing and another I sacked off running completely.  Not ideal in a build phase.

Today, determined to get to the root I did some digging.

Everything seems to be coming from my hips / lower back. I have perpetually been injured from what seems more mechanical than overuse injuries since 2010.

So I have revisited the leg discrepancy - bike fit in 2018 showed left leg significantly shorter than right.  It seems my body overcompensates and generally I get away with it.  My theory is that fatigued it starts to break down causing back and calf issue as everything tightens up.  This makes things much worse as I start to 'hobble' and then this completely fucks my hip!

Time off eventually releases everything and we start again.

I can't hop consecutively on my left leg - even when I don't have pain.  That's not right!!

So starting to add plyo circuits in to pre-hab to build up to bounding has highlighted the break down.

Back to the leg discrepancy.  I used an old heel tab to balance out left - right hip level before today's run.  Headed out for a recovery 4 miles and in an instant the hips didn't feel tight.  Calf also felt easier and it was considerably easier to get on my forefoot (I'll readdress this).  Fatigue was more around glutes - maybe I've been running on structure rather than muscle so taking this as a good sign.  Post run, didn't get the usual structural aches - again a good sign.

Not seeing this as proof-positive yet, I'll see how it goes but maybe, just maybe I have started to get to the root of the problems.

Back to the forefoot striking - my theory is that as I run better I get up on my toes.  Leg discrepancy won't show on toe running.  It'll only show on flat / heel striking.  This could explain more calf issues than hip when I am running low but quick mileage.

So, out with DC in a bit for a double.  Touch wood the analysis stays positive.  Motivation will be much higher if I get good news that's for sure.  Nothing to throw a bucket of ice water over your mood than running in pain !!


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