Little bit of Base

So the base mileage continues. The aim for this phase of training is to bang out lots of long slow miles and I don't seem to dissapoint!

Monday was first double day of the campaign. 6 + 4 miles easy. Tuesday was another double 7 + 3. Wednesday 10 steady then today 7 easy.

Legs are very tired today, am supposed to be going to the track tonight but just don't think I will be recovered. 7 miles was tough after doing 10 straight last night. Last nights run was pretty good, started slow then picked up to around 35.30 for the last 5 miles feeling pretty comfortable.

Tuesday daytime was at my old coaches funeral. Was a sombre affair at the church but the wake was more lively. Was great to catch up with loads of old running pals. Some great old stories that I had long forgotten. Amazing to see how people have changed in the 15 years since my best running years. We were fortunate to be part of probably the best middle distance group in the country at the time but my god we have all aged and filled out !!!

Average pace this week has picked up a fair bit. Should get 60+ miles in. It's getting to feel like hard work but this phase should pay off in a couple of weeks. It's all about the consistency!

Aim is to get 12 easy miles in on the HRM tomorrow morning, rest Saturday and 15 steady (7/7.30mm) with a group on Sunday. Starting to build nicely just hoping a rest day pays off. So far only 1 this month which is where it needs to be. Once I get the long runs up to 17ish will start getting much stronger quicker.

3 1/2 weeks until Peterborough half, at this moment I would struggle massively to get close to 1.20, probably 1.23/24 shape so aim is to knock get a couple of minutes a week quicker.


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