Cod 'n' chips

Legs are absolutely battered today. 

8 day streak, but that's included a run with DC, a race and a track session.  90% sure the won't come back to life enough to get out (especially as we've got 40 mph winds) so I'll probably zero the day and dust the bike off and do a 45 min spin on the turbo.

Really want to keep the streak going but we're getting close now and I *think* I'm in better shape than I expect.

I'll keep them mobile, do some stretching, cold / hot shower them and see how they are but I'm not exactly slacking lately so a day off isn't the end of the world.

Boys are racing tomorrow. 1500m club champs and it'll be interesting to see how they go.  Have targets of 4.45 for Jacob and 5.50 for Sawyer in mind.  The boys (and Lola) have been improving their Junior Parkrun times beyond recognition recently.  It's amazing how far a bit of confidence goes, at their age it's probably more important than the training.

Talking of training, I have (as always) been reviewing old logs and sessions.  It's interesting to see that the limiting factor now is the legs and niggles.  How much more volume I could handle 8 or 9 years ago.  To be fair marathons and even half's don't appeal to me.  The 1,000m on Tuesday was great fun, the shorter stuff has much more appeal, even up to 10k.

End of last year, post marathon (half arsed attempt) I got into OK shape.  Knocking at the door of 18 min 5k and doing some good long tempos.  Then came the shin issue and since then it's been a hit and miss comeback until April when I went 100% focus on the run.

I'd say now, I am probably around that shape again.  The legs don't always play ball but rested I think I'll be close to 18 mins again.  Obviously me being me I want to knock and open on the door of 17 mins but that's phase 2!  Phase 1 is weight loss and running as much and often as possible.  I'm around 4 lbs of target which should be another week or two.  I REALLY need to focus on strength and recovery in phase 2 though. 

The speed work at the track went well, I'd imagine right now it'll look something like a track session, a longer threshold session, a parkrun at tempo, a rest day, a day of strength & bike then a couplf of easy endurance runs.  BUT lets not walk before we can run!

Just checked and it's my opposite calf that's really tight. The troublesome shin isn't giving me any gip so maybe just maybe we can run today?


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