Bannister Virtual Mile

Well first off the bat, bit of a shitter last week.  After getting off the treadmill after an interval session on Thursday I got the news that Dad had passed away.

Running wise just 'got a couple of bits done' to clear my head over the weekend.  Yesterday again couldn't get out the door as we we're doing stuff and I wanted to watch a film with the kids later on. A few extra rest days here and then don't mean a lot at the minute.

Today was my chance to get a time in for the Virtual mile.  I needed something to focus on and get my head away from other stuff.

Decent warm up indoors.  Foot not 100% but hoped it would settle on the run.  Wore the next% as the 4% butchered my foot on the Virtual 5k a few weeks back.

Jog up the hill, pace not amazing on the warm up but it did feel very easy.

The plan was to start at the top of the flyover on the Broadway.  Use the big downhill start to get some pace in the bag and then just run hard to the finish on the slightly undulating road.  The finish was just past Lottie & Ollies old gaff.

Quick piss and then off.

Start quick but relax, no point pushing too hard as the first 100m or so is downhill.  Decent effort then settle in.  Course has a slight rise after the bend so just focus on getting there and then a quick check of the watch.

4.50 pace showing at 0.43 mile - happy days a little further than I thought as in my head I was just hoping to be a 3rd of the way through.

Not sure if Garmin error but over then next minute or so it had dropped to 5.01 by around 0.6 miles.  Work really hard as there's a gentle downhill and at 0.87 miles it's 4.57 pace (I think) uphill finish, now I'm really struggling and just waiting for the beep!

Couple of kerbs to deal with and it beeps and I stop it.  Look down to see 4.55 for the mile split. Happy days, check later and it's 4.55:98 for the mile.  Solid 5 for Turner but as any track runner will tell you, fuck the unimportant numbers !!

Really pleased with that.  Fucked at the finish but certainly think there is more there and even with the downhill start in a proper race I would be able to push harder.

Walk back to the trail - probs a good 6 / 7 mins recovery then jog back home feeling heavy breathing but legs OK.  7/mm cool down is nice!

Later on do another 30 mins on Zwift to make up a decent day after yesterday and missing my fav session on Saturday.

Would say that definitely puts me around sub 17 5k shape. I was 5.10 a Westminster Mile last year a week out from 16.59 at Ferry Meadows.

The 4 x km session is paying dividends and the speed work off short recovery I think is key to building speed so I'll try and keep those two on the go.  Just need to up my easy long run game now and that's all bases loaded.

R.I.P Dad 🧡🧡🧡


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