W6 :: The strange one

Yep, no getting around it this was a strange week dealing with everything for Dad and 2 'virtual' races.

Monday I ended up resting. Wanted to run but with so much going on it didn't happen and probably for the best. Lovely to catch up with DC who dropped a card round.  Socially distanced catch up was very much appreciated.  Looking forward to cracking out some sessions again soon bud.

Tuesday went for the Virtual Bannister mile the BMC organised.  Chose the route from the top of the broadway back towards Bourn.  It's net downhill but most of the elevation you loose coming off the ramp at the start and it has 2 uphill (incline, they're about 0.5% FFS) drags including the 200m to the finish.

Blogged it anyway so don't know why I am banging on here.

4.55 for the mile, hard work solo and finished knowing I could go quicker in a race.

Easy run Wednesday as the boy wanted to do same route (I won by 0.7 secs hahahaha) and extended the run to about 8.5 miles.

Thursday was my 4 x km hill session which was fucking brutal.  It's key right now but it is so bloody hard!

Friday 8 miles on the nice Caxton loop at ~8s feeling tired.

Saturday - Virtual Corby 1km against the boys.  Really heavy legged 3.05 which isn't great but a workout nonetheless.  Didn't double the day, had a few beers instead.

Today very easy 7 miles in the wind and rain.  Very, very tired run at 8s, to be fair had nothing more it wasn't even recovery. Will rest tomorrow off the back of that and hopefully get those adaptions.

40.5 miles for the week @ 7:30/mm avge but a decent amount below 5/mm. 2 solid TTs and a 4k hill session.

Lacking speed so that is my focus next week.

Question I am thinking is doing my speed work on the treadmill as leg speed is limiting factor and I may get benefit from that. It's much harder running fast on the treddy as on road you either have the speed or you dont.

Will likely repeat the 1 min on 30 secs off session and raise the pace to 1500m pace for 10 reps.  Then try the 200 session and see how things feel by the Saturday.

TSS at 52 which is a plateau (367 for the week is roughly 52 per day) which is why my ATL is roughly same and form is positive.  Always said though all TSS is not equal!  My mile and km combined were 20 TSS but was 1.63 miles at sub 5 pace.  Got almost same from my 13 min cool down from the mile TT haha

Pretty sure the hill session screwed me (57 TSS) but hoping to get that strenth kick in once I recover.  Key now is to not eat and drink myself into oblivion lol


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