Virtual Corby

Today we did the 'virtual Corby' 1km time trial.  It was a race (myself, Jacob & Sawyer all started together) but as we were so split up from the off it was a TT in the end!

After beating J over the mile I had hopes to run him close!  I was nowhere near !!

Scores on the doors 2.52 for J (2.45 last time) 3.05 for me and 3.15 for Sawyer (3.32 last time)

Struggled today, legs just couldn't go any faster.

With this and the mile this week, it's definitely a lack of leg speed that is the limiting factor.

Plan is 2 weeks of speed focus to increase leg turnover - 200s and 400s off long recoveries will be the main sessions (Tue & Thurs) and I'll keep the km hills in for strength.  Increase the longer runs and that should pay off.

I'll do one or two weeks and re-test.  Maybe an 800m TT or back to the mile and extend.

All good fun and takes my mind off things.

Feeling pretty good, running pretty well and strength is getting there.  Increase leg speed so I can handle the faster stuff and relax at pace.  Nice to be able to feel that 5 min mile pace I can handle, key going forward is to widen the gap between critical leg speed and 5 min mile pace.

Not sure how to benchmark, maybe 1 mile TT on same course and measuring how much more relaxed I am is a way forward either that or push to run further at same pace.  3k is probably a good indicator of peak performance.


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