
...with yourself is critical if you want to run.  Interesting one today.  Feel good - mentaly strong and keen to push onwards today.  However, few little aches and pains just hovering about.

Had intended to do something stronger today - maybe a hardish 7 like last week but get the pace down a bit to low 6s.

There's no point running today if I don't go harder so the possibility of adding an unplanned rest day in is sitting there.  It's not a huge deal right now, I have had 4 solid weeks of progression.

TP numbers are showing consistent growth for the last 5 weeks, maybe an extra rest day now would work better than a cut back week?  Better to keep pepped up than get stale.

Not sure, right now I am 60::40 to rest and run long easy tomorrow feeling fresh.  Rest Monday and then go to Tuesday stronger (that's going to be a big step up session).

We'll see.  Going to have a coffee now so that will likely fire me up lol

I'll be like a caged Tiger if I don't run today, however Tuesday is the big day as I step up from 1 min efforts to 2 min efforts at the same pace.  This week has been bang on so maybe bank the fitness don't do anything silly and move forwards at the right time.

Treddy sessions have been best yet this week and yesterdays 8 with DC felt like walking pace at 6.16/mm pace on the 5th mile.  Take no risks at this stage !!

Need to stay off Strava when it's feeling like this.  Have to make the right calls at the right time.

Gives me a chance to think about adapting the plan from now.  Def going to take up the lactate intervals from 1 min to 2 mins from now.  The leg turnover sessions will be track instead of treddy now we can get on there - just to start getting a feel for pace.  Would like to factor in some tempo work, saying that it's only going to be a few weeks until the Friday session is in the right place for that.

Got to look at options for a fast 5k the week after week.  I am thinking that maybe Tuesday is best bet and switch out the lactate session. Route wise I may nick Ty's route I think along the A428 or maybe the busway otherwise it's a downhill one lol

So rest up and heal today. Run long tomorrow, double down on rest Monday and stretch session Tuesday #plan


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