Flu, Cold, Sore Throat

Take your pick !!

No cough or temperature so almost certain it's not the 'rona. Been feeling under the weather since Friday, pretty much wiped out the weekend and improvement today.

The good news (there's two bits) are - it almost certainly impacted race. I felt pretty weak so there's def a few secs there. Secondly I really needed to ease my legs off. An easy run Friday followed by 2 rest days and an easy run today - I think they are on the way back to becoming my legs !!

Timing wise, if I can train OK tomorrow I have missed nothing!

Frustrating as we visited Lower Mill and I do love a few rum and cokes and late nights followed by miles of trail running in the mornings. That was a wipe out as I pretty much chilled on the sofa with Lemsip!

Ran today and felt really good. know 2 days won't affect much. New plan starts this week so may have to switch tomorrow and Thursday around but still confident I'll wake up fine in the morning.

Can't believe how pony the weather is. Hammering down today and bloody cold. Turn the heat up for fuck sake !!! Was roasting this time last year.

Point of the blog - if you feel rough take a couple of days off and back off. No point chasing fitness at my age. Shelf races if required, move things around. Don't be a hero.

Ordered a pair of Mamba V for chasing next week. Far too big so they'll do Jake. I've ordered a size down. Sent 2 pairs of Mamba 3 back because they were way too small. Not sure where Nike get their sizing from !!

So on the threshold plan now. Pace zones all locked in. Hopefulyl get healthy as the week goes on, under 2 week until chase debut. Pretty excited just hope body is good


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