Ramp Up

After a solid 4 week base build of 25, 35, 40, 40 miles it's time to ramp things up a bit.  The legs are responding well to running again, it's a slow process to get some speed in them but it's improving all the time.

This week the plan is ramp up the miles and slowly add some intensity. If I'm honest I am not entirely sure where this block is going to go. If the adaptions are good I may try working at higher mileage and seeing how it is. I'm pretty committed to doing what's needed BUT I have to admit running 30 miles a week and smashing out sessions and races and feeling good all the time is very appealing !!

Kicked off the sessions with 4 x 5 mins @ threshold on the treddy. Pace was 15.2 kmph but coming up on power and Garmin as low 6s. Was aiming to go 5 - 6 reps but the hip is a little achey so backed it off and left it there.

Today I wasn't 100% on a session so decided to just get out for 6 miles and see what happened. Fairly quickly the HR rose to threshold and remained high for the whole run. Finished up at 5 then jogged a mile. Splits were 6.49, 6.35, 6.41, 6.40 and HR was way up towards 160 for that, not great bit a start and great chunk of time at threshold. 

Really need a very easy couple of days and then hopefully go longer on Sunday to get 50+ in the bank. 

I'll stick to this kind of base work for a while until I race at the end of the months. Fingers crossed paces will drop over time from the work and mileage.

Feeling pretty tired a lot which is good, just need to get the protein in.

So hip is a little grumbly - it's either coming from tight back or tight IT band - they're both grumbly so will pay attention to them both and see if I can release things off.  It's manageable but potential is there for it to become a pain in the arse before I start to push on. I'm kind of hanging back on the intensity until this is gone so fingers crossed not far off being able to move onwards and upwards.

Threshold pace is well over 6 min miles so hopefully see that start decending downwards over the course of the month.


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