Week in the bag

First week of ramping things up done!

Pretty solid week of training and started to feel like things are clicking in to place by Friday.

Paces are really slow across the board but adding in a big chunk of miles that was always going to happen. Feel pretty confident that now I'm up to around 60 miles that I will start to feel stronger and adapt pretty quickly.

If I am going to have one last crack then this is where it's at.

Been feeling really tired all week BUT i seriously need to work on sleep and nutrition.

Pace wise my threshold intervals @ 6.0x pace really need to improve way down to the 5.3x range. I also need to add in a session where I start pushing to target 5k pace. I have an idea for that session on Thursday this week. I'll slowly build these sessions but the good thing now is I don't need to push any more volume or distance. I just need to focus on that pace.

Next week I have a planned rest day on Saturday as we have friends visiting so I need to factor that in to mileage. I'm also busy on Monday and Friday so it's going to be tight. I don't want the wheels to fall off before I've got them on !!

Excited to look at getting a Park Run tester in a couple of weeks. Obviously going to need to be looking closer to 17 mins than 18 but at this stage I'll just be happy to get something done.

A rough plan for next week looks like this -

Mon - 6 recovery

Tue - am) session pm) 5

Wed - 7 easy & 4 recovery

Thu - session & 5

Fri - 7

Sat - off

Sun - 12

Which will be 55 ish miles which is bang on where it needs to be but a huge ask after this week. The plan is for everything slow to feel easier and everything threshold to be faster!


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