Aaaannnd Cough

Fucksake !! Monday started with a tickle in the thoat so decided to take time off until feeling better as I don't want a repeat of December!

Good chance to reflect, recent training has moved in the right direction. I'm fairly happy with where I am.

From here though the plan is to just keep pushing the track sessions - ideally I'll get one in this week and a decent long run (16 last week) and a fairly relaxed volume session (it's been a while!)

I've lifted the S&C recently and the plan is to run tired through January. If I can get on top of the speed sessions I really think that things will gel together.

I'll hopefully be back running tomorrow - an easy / steady one then do my fast session on Friday. Sunday long run and hopefully with those in the bag I should be able to get a solid week in next week.

I've got some focus on S&C - 1 functional power session, 1 hurdle specific session and 1 plyo specific session. They're not that hard but the DOMS have already started. If things go well the plan is to start incorporating a hurdles session in my weekly volume one.

Speed wise - this is key - I am just planning to keep trying to get 2 secs faster over 800m per week so basing the finishing reps off that. Right now it should be 2.18 so 34 per 200m. With speed work I usualy find they pay off quite quickly so I am hoping to get down to 30-31 by middle of next month right when I need to be really quick. I'll sacrifice the volume sesh each week and run it as a relaxed thresholdy type session so no fireworks there lol.

Long runs are going well. 16 felt very relaxed at 7.37/mm last weekend. I just need to stay healthy as that's hitting me this winter - it's so fucking cold !!!

Next up - possibly Parkrun at the end of the month. Would be good to get a run out. Hoping that I'm down towards the 16.4x range by then after LFOTH. Next race in anger is the mile at Lee Valley and hoping to go well by then as I have 4 more indoor races this season already booked.


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