Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Strange week this week.

Mon - 6 & 5 easy
Tue - 3 horrible, bailled out
Wed - REST feeling manflued up
Thu - 4 & 8 tempo
Fri - 5 easy
Sat - 12 easy
Sun - 18 steady in the snow

Started the week with great intentions. Wanted to get a big week in but Tuesday and Wednesday were the height of manflu. Just wanted to get away from running Tuesday felt rough and absolutely no motivation.

Thursday nice cold run to spin the legs then met DC & Paul for a tempo session. Ran 2.4 miles @ 6.46 pace to warm up, 4 miles tempo of the BRJ frostbite course (including the mile hill at pennington) in 5.45, 5.42, 5.51, 5.51 (ish), then 2.2 miles cool down in 6:59 pace. Although paces were pretty good at this stage just felt rubbish.

Friday picked up new car so did as short a run as possible. To be honest in the cold I couldn't face a morning run.

Saturday just did a gentle 12. Wanted to do some meaningful time on feet and not worry about the pace. Job done and felt a bit better.

This morning ran to Ian T's house, did 16 miles on his '12' mile route :) then mile home for a nice surprising 18! Was happy, we ran about 7:30 - 7:35 pace avge but on the trails it was slippy and on the pavements tretcherous. Was barely moving at some points but when we hit the clear roads pace dropped to 7:05 ish pace for less effort so all in all a bloody good workout with good company.

61 miles for the week with 3 miles in 2 days & a 30 mile weekend I will take that. Legs are battered so will go easy for a couple of days but aiming to do a 15 on Wednesday to keep somewhee near a marathon schedule!

Nice little week considering had manflu and weight down to 10'4 after todays run so things progressing.

Aim for next week, good solid week (60+), 4 mile tempo & decent long run with plenty of 6's in there. Feel like I am improving despite myself and need to watch the diet and keep the hard sessions up. And stay healthy!


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