Water way to go

Saturday, aim was to get an easy 6 or 8 done. Just spin the legs and keep recovery going.

Out of bed early and ready to get kitted up only to find that there was no water in the house. Downstairs kitchen sink was running off the main but no water in any other taps. Still fancied a run but I do sweat a bit so didn't want to offend anyone!

So 0 day carded and went off to Spurs for a blinding game. No problem carding the rest day, doesn't look good on the scorecard but in the big scheme of things it was just a recovery run.

This morning decided to try and get some miles in. Pub meal booked in for lunchtime so was always going to be awkward. My own fault for chasing miles! Did a very gentle 4.5 mile jog at about 11am with 6 x strides. Nice and relaxed and felt OK.

Massive pub lunch - Horseshoe Inn in Offard D'arcy. Absolutely stuffed after 3 course so set out for late afternoon run with food sloshing all over the place.

Plan was 12 miles with progressive 3 mile sections. Hit mile 1 in 7.43 - ouch thats a lot slower than I was thinking about doing! 7.11 & 7.13 for the next 2 miles for the 145 bpm section.

Straight into next 3 miles, switched autolap off Garmin and ran 6.47 pace for the 3 miles at bang on 150 bpm. Garmin is measuring weird, 3 miles out was 2.96 back for same route !

Next 3 miles at 155bpm felt OK but was just lethargic. Last mile picked up as HR dropped to 151 bpm strangely and pace started hotting right up. Wound up with 6:40 pace for the 3 miles. Garmin slightly out again but used to it now.

Final 3 miles had to work hard to keep HR up, was a lazy day to do a session really, head didn't fancy it so glad to get it done. Garmin died at bang on 11 mile marker at 6.22 pace and picked it right up for the last mile so took that as 6.20 pace average for 158bpm.

Worked out 6:47/mm for 12 miles at 150 bpm. Really good run but head wasn't in it. 16.5 miles for the day and glad to have them banked.

This week want to knock out 6 more long days. Will do usual hard road tempo Thursday. Will knock out a few very easy runs with some steadies and hopefully get the legs nice and strong. Finish February strong and then get specific for the marathon in March


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