Shin Splints

It's been a few years since I've suffered but it seems to be back with a vengence !

Last week or two my left shin has had an annoying niggle. It settles down when I'm running but after a hard run it is a bitch !

Planned an easy hour today so nothing huge lost. I've spent pretty much all morning stretching it and I'll do an easy turbo to spin it out.

Fingers crossed nothing major - just every other day until it's clear with probably slightly more quality than planned just to keep on top.  I' finally getting some form in the diary so don't want to loose to much from here. Saying that, it's been 4 1/2 years since I've put a decent run in so there is no panic.

Decent old skool session yesterday. 10 mins steady into 15 @ 160 bpm into 15 @ 165-170 bpm into 10 steady. I'd call it a strong tempo as the 10 mins either side of the session was below 7/mm so nothing easy.  The first 15 mins came out at 162 bpm and 6.16/mm. Much better than expected and had to slow down to keep HR from going into the next zone. The second 15 mins came in at 6.02/mm and was on for sub 6 until ;last 5 or 6 mins.

The route didn't really pay into my hands but I'm really happy with that, best session since come back and a 6.26/mm avge pace overall.  Looking at this run I am confident I can run 165 bpm for an hour to half marathon so that's a good sign of a 1.20-1.22 ish run at Beford (if everything holds up!).

After last weeks park run I am 100% sure the longer tempos are key to getting sub 18. Holding those slightly sub race pace efforts for longer really pushes the threshold pace down.

So fingers crossed the shin clears up as it's an annoyance right now. I've taken my expectations back to January before I expect any decent results. Sub 18 would be a bonus but I'd rather be pushing on healthy rather than limping and full of nurofen!


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