Spring Cleaning

Decided to try and work on my run form while we are in lockdown 2.  Now I am I'm pretty sure I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt after a solid Dr Google session yesterday. It's basically where your hips tilt forward and it means that your hip flexors and lower back become super tight.

This all adds up for me as I sit here with my back pretty shredded and I've been concerned about hips for some time! You become quad dominant and don't engage quads correctly.

The diagnosis actually matches nearly ALL symptoms I have had in the past 10 years with running injuries (apart from the calf issues of 2015-2017 !!)

Easy to spot (although it took many videos to find one) - your arse and your belly stick out. Tuck in your arse to straighten out your pelvis and you will engage core and activate glutes.

Need to visualise by looking side on in mirror.

So hopefully this will mean less strain on my hip flexors and lower back.

Correction was best put to Pre by Bill Bowerman - the point of deepest penetration !!

If you stand with pelvis tilted and raise one knee, you'll find it gets so high before it's limited. Go to 'point of deepest penetration' and then raise knee. Significantly higher. This *should* be massively helpful with steeplechase next year as last time I attempted it felt like barriers were a foot higher !

So that's the above important bit to focus on (for me obviously when I have to read this back!)

Focus right now is purely on form and posture. It's fairly pointless doing S&C while I am focussing on this but as this is a long term investment that should all come over time.

Mantra is always the same - I cannot run quick if I cannot run. I need to stay in the game.

Very surprised a fizz has never mentioned this with my injury history. I've seen plenty over the years and they've all looked at my posture. But then again maybe it's all just rubbish !!

Ran yesterday - 7 miles easy / recovery at 7/mm. Switched session as back was so painful but it actually didn't hurt it at all. That was Thursday's session so I will run the treadmill efforts today and then the steady 5 tomorrow and I should be back on track for efforts on Friday.


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