Accepting the Inevitable

Up to take Jake to Frostbite this morning. Usual aches and pains. Little bit of stretching and to be honest it's just not much fun managing this niggle.

I can run, it's just taking longer to get myself ready to run and harder sessions and races are making it harder to recover. It's still not painful, more of a tooth ache kind of grumbly, naggy pain in the hip. 

So on the way home from Frosty (Jake 3rd with a so - so run) decided to call it until I have this niggle completely under control.

It's definitely heading towards some kind of full on explosion so best to stop now before that happens and hopefully retain some kind of fitness.

The issue really seems to stem from my back being incredibly tight. I have a kind of spasm that needs releasing off but generally my whole back is tight. First thing was to change my pillow, I know that's often been the cause of back issues - change them and then end up getting issues weeks later.

The key will be loosening off the lumbar muscles  - heat, back stretcher & various massagers are my friends here. 

Couple of hours in and things are better. I certainly get less hip niggle when it's loosened but I think this is a longer term thing.

The plan at the minute is to get the back released and get some upper body comfort.

Hopefully I can run every other day while I am doing this, I don't think total rest will get me anywhere but it'll be very controlled easy running. I'll sack off today and continue with the Monday rest though so that'll give it 2 consecutive days which hopefully will help.

Once I have some relaxation and I know it's heading in the right direction I need to add strength in on the glutes and low back. That's likely the root of the problem.

I'll stay on top of the diet while I am going through this phase and hopefully continue with the plan - loose weight, get stronger, get faster.

Once I come out the other side I'll decide what winter plan looks like. Frustrating to end the racing streak but if I am going to get to that sub 16 I need to be 100% healthy and right now I really am not!


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