Enforced Rest

Holiday time !

OK so today I tried a jog. From the first step it wasn't right. It's FUCKING annoying because it really does not feel like there is much wrong, there is no pain just a nagging ache. When I think back to June, I literally could not walk upstairs. Now I 

Decided on the way home that it's time to call it. Just take a break, no pressure. I had a good 4 month block from Feb to June and then 5 months from July to now. I figure if I can stay reasonably in shape (i.e not put on a stone) for the next 7 - 14 days off running then I'll be good to go when I start back.

It's actually been many, MANY years since I took a break from running that wasn't an injury. I always took a break end of track season. I guess nowadays I figure time isn't on my side in terms of performance so there is always pressure to get stuff done before it's too late.

But this time, it really is just accepting it for what it is and making the most of having some time away from running. I'll be back refreshed and good to start on a new plan.

The alternative is to continue to push, prod and roll my niggle and bare frustrating non run after annoying unsuccessful attempt. And the end result is stress and no quicker return!

Timing wise it couldn't really be better to take a break. It's turning shit out there to be fair and races are not going to get any faster.

Unsurprisingly motivation is crazy high right now !! But that's par for the course.

I'll take a step back, enjoy some downtime and plan the return. Logic says Feb - Mar I should be back and ready to race so I'll plan around that.

I will actually do some strength work as it's been way overdue. Glutes and core but also some vanity weights.

So that's the update, I'm locking myself away for a bit and post a return once I'm running freely again. Fingers crossed it is only a couple of weeks. See you on the other side !


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