Frostbite League - March AC Whitmoore Prison

Caz & Al picked me up for this mornings race. After a few 'navigation errors' we made the start in plenty of time after panicking earlier!

Quick jog, late poo & touch toes before the off. Interesting on the start line that this fixture is traditionally the weakest event with almost everyone choosing to miss it. Not today however, a scan of the start line and there are plenty of big hitters including 'Mr Frostbite' himself Pete Galpin!

Set off at a reasonable pace. Feel OK but get caught by surprise at the first corner. Hate being so far down the field in a race at the start but sensible pacing and all that.

Work up just behind a good group - Al, Brian Corleys & 3 other BRJ guys. Surreal moment having 4 BRJ runners all in a line!

First mile up in 5.33. Long way behind the leaders but push to front of group with Al and crack on. Start dropping the group and catch and drop a few. Pretty soon it's myslef and Al with Jonhathon from C&C working together. Mile 2 in 5.38 ish.

Interesting here that the leaders are in sight and don't seem to have moved up the road any. Also, DC and a few others seem to be actually coming back to us (rubs eyes), Al does most of the donkey work with me throwing a couple of stints in but not much wind on this bit. Mile 3 in 5.36 ish.

The 4th mile we work pretty hard. I put a good shift in, Johnny chucks his guts up and myslef and Al work as a team to drop him and move on. Drop Al slightly on the hill off the riverside. Hit the 4th mile in 5.35

Disaster, I run into the gate. Marshal is shouting turn right so I instinctively turn right into the gate which is a dead end. Bump into Al as I exit the gate and he enters, cost him a pb that :( Not the only person to get this gate wrong I find out at the finish.

Work hard to get pace back down and were on the same part of the course as the second mile. About 4 1/2 miles in start to tire and try to keep pace consistent. Eventually turn into finish straight and power on to cross the line.

9th place, best finish since BRJ frostbite 2010. Was 34th at St Neots in October so a big improvement.

28.12 2nd fastest 5 miles ever and was nicely controlled. Good day at the office and that race trumps any race of 2010. 5:37/mm avge, course was plenty quick but little bit slippery underfoot so not sure how that would compare to an out and out fast road course, but puts me in decent nick either way.

Following 2010 plan seems to be working as I'm in same shape. Now the hard work starts :)


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