Short week, long run

So the big news, I finally managed to get a long run in! 16 miles @ 7:23/mm which I am over the moon with. Started out at Histon, headed in the wrong direction to Milton but luckily needed a poo so into a real toilet rather than a bush #result. Back out, had a look at the icy paths on the ParkRun route and decided to just head back. Passed Histon at 6 miles and done the math - 10.75 miles turnaround and hit 16 miles on the nose.

Up towards St Ives with wind behind feeling really easy. In fact at 10 miles was best I have felt running all year. Wasn't sure what the reason I hadn't done more long runs!

Turnaround point at 10.75 just after Longstanton station and boom, wind was a) fairly strong but b) bloody baltic. It was absolutely freezing. Got to 12 miles in OK shape but from then on it became a bit of a slog. Pace had dropped from 7:20s to 7:30s and form had become pretty poor. Fuck, I was all over the place. Ticked off the miles but by 14 the quads started to ache from the turbo session with DC the night before and by 15 they were in a bad way. Plodded out the last mile. You know you are happy to be done when you stop the Garmin exactly on the mile point!

Rest of the week was made up of CBA and short sessions to fit around time. Just one of those weeks when it's all a bit rushed.

2 easy runs in the snow at a horrendous pace - 8:40 pace I think then an easy run Sunday morning with Paul around center parcs. He's a big lump so 5 miles at 10/mm on a boggy cross country route was happy days. Just glad to get some time in and burn off the many burgers/wings/beers we had done over the past weekend.

2 short swims - 41 mins continuous and 30 mins recovery. Not long enough but not bad work. Biggest swim numbers for a month already with at least 1 more to come.

Bike was poor volume but good quality. All on the turbo managed a good Spinnervals workout (hard 56 mins of climbing), a 10 mile TT (24:07) and some spinning. Just 35 bike miles - that will hit the average but hope the strength makes up for it.

So 7 hours 31 mins training time. It's poor but I really needed to nail a long run and to be fair I have been feeling under the weather. Weekend at Center Parcs eating and drinking to excess so need to put a good week in this week or I am bang in trouble!

Plan this week - long ride, long run, long turbo, long tempo, technical session in the pool. Shake this shit up a bit!


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