Training like a proper triatherlete

Easy start to the week with a nice pool swim over at the Manor. Aim today was a 'session' swim (as a pose to recovery or endurance) - hark at me sounding all professional.

New goggles didn't turn up till I got home so swam with the shit ones I got on holiday. Spent probably 10 minutes (no shit) adjusting them to stop them (a) filling with water and (b) sucking my eyeballs out of my face.

400 warm up followed by pyramid of 100, 200, 300 (free) 300, 200, 100 (pull and paddles) 100, 200, 300 free and a cool down for 2.5km.
Mixed it up by doing the odd 120 and 280 (shit at keeping count) but swam roughly at 1.48 pace per 100/m average so not too bad. Got a bit tired at the end - 7.20 warm up 400 and 1.39 for the first 100 effort! Paddles fell to bits on the last few lengths of that section - fucking Turner !!!

New goggs waiting for me when I got home looking much better. Swam in a cap for the first time as well and also nailled 7 tumble turns on the last 300. Will bust that bad boy move on Thursday night for BA on our session.

Was supposed to run tonight but plan now for tomorrow is either swim at lunch (easy recovery) or easy run followed by track session tomorrow night. Chest is feeling tight, especially when I cough. Coupled with hacking up green slime from ghostbusters I think I may have something in my system still. Running feels 30 secs / mile slower than it was before Christmas for the same effort so either I have got a bit shit or I am infected. Hoping it's the latter but every chance it's the former. If it doesn't feel better tomorrow by the time I get home from work I'll just do a HR test to see what's what.

Easy 40 min turbo tonight (13.4 miles @ 20 mph) feeling good but sitting here typing this chest feels really tight breathing deeply. Haven't had that before (anyone have any clues)? Doesn't seem right, just used Anges inhaler (wise move young man) to see of that shifts it. I'll do resting HR in the morning.

1.40hrs in the bank to start the week and proper triathlon training. 10+ this week fingers crossed.


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