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After a couple of weeks away it was good to get back to a more normal routine this week.

Pretty much nailled a 'full' week for this stage of training.

The sessions are key. Everything else now will be easy/recovery/steady depending on how battered I feel!  Having 2 easy days between the main sessions really helps keep the quality up, but I am feeling pretty battered between them.  Hopefully sticking to this stage for a while will help reocvery.

Mon - REST
Tue - am) shakeout pm) 3 x (200,200,400)
Wed - 5 easy
Thu - 6 steady
Fri - 5 x 2 off 60 recovery (tready)
Sat - 8 long easy
Sun - hills

Tuesday session went well.  Started first set in next% then progressed to spikes for 2nd and 3rd.  Times not amazing but improvement on last time plus I added an extra set.  Eventually I'll add a 4th set but for now it's a good speed workout on the limits!  Roughly 800m pace for the session.  Times were 34,32,70 - 33,33,71 - 35,33,70.  Just getting the legs used to speed again, these should start seeing 32 & 69 soon hopefully which isn't a million miles of where I need to be!

Friday session was a return to the treadmill.  Mainly due to the heat but I think I'll keep it there.  It really helps the legs as there's nowhere near as much pounding.  Session was 5 x 2 mins off 60 recovery.  That was pretty tough.  Effort was way higher than power (around 310w for 5/mm !!) I think the leg speed for the time is what I need.  I'd imagine I'll get used to the speed fairly quickly and the plan is to take it up to 6 x 2 then slowly reduce recovery to 30 secs over the month and eventually start doing 4 x 3 mins. No shakeout as far too hot !

Saturday long run was first 8 for a LONG time. Looking back exactly a month ago I did 8 with DC around Longstanton and struggled!  I'll keep the easy long run at 8 miles off road and hopefully legs will start to relax and pace become more respectable.

Hills today with the boys (J & S).  Felt good warming up and session was pretty solid. 6 off slow jog recovery and last 4 walk recovery to keep the effort high.  Peak effort was around 500w for 15 seconds - actually Styrd shows most power for everything up to 35 secs so getting stronger!

The efforts today were purely about getting more top end and it's certainly building the engine!  Sawyer boy did 5 efforts (beat me on last 2) and Jacob did 15 with steady recoveries (he finished before I did 10 !)

Nice to train with the boys, while I can anyway !!


Having been told that I'll need to eat gluten for testing I've started eating some.  Bits of bread and pasta here and there but nothing major.  Diet has been pretty good in fairness recently.  Post run weigh in of 10 st 7 lbs on Saturday which is target race weight so not a million miles off.  Eat well and knock out the training I should be in with a shout.


It's interesting analysing myself.  I'm constantly thinking I am not doing enough - that's years of marathon training conditioning.  I have to keep reminding myself that improving speed is needed. As long as my 200m and 400m times come down my race distances will be better.  

Training balance is pretty bang on.  Speed work Tuesday - aiming to get as quick as I can.  Tempo work Friday - relaxing at 5/mm no need to go much quicker.  Hill work Sunday - build strength.  Everything in between is to make me stronger for sessions.

It's a battle to stop myself thinking I need to run 6.20 - 6.30/mm on easy days.  That pace may come but as long as I feel good on sessions what does it matter !1


Hunts AC have some races coming up.  I have booked on 100m, 400m & 1500m so should be interesting how I get on.  The 400m is most interesting - I'm struggling to run 70s in training so will be aiming to see how quick I ca actually go all out.  The 1500m I should be able to run OK. I did a 4.38 last year in similar shape so anywhere around that will be respectable.  The 100m is just a laugh to race against the kids !!  Just hope nothing falls off !!


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