
First 20 miler of 2011 !! In the bag and boy does she look pretty !!

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday I had run plenty of miles but eased off the pace to keep my HR down as my resting HR was up to 53 bpm (from 43 last week - a significant climb). I decided there and then I would either run 16 miles Thursday or rest Thursday and run 20 miles Friday.

Thursday morning I felt good but just pissed that my resting HR was still 53 bpm. Runnning (even though I felt like a coilled spring) would just prolong it so I rested up. I was home all day bored so was perfect opportunity to get a long one in but just one of lifes bad timings! Went out in the evening for a couple fo sherberts with a pal whose quoting up some building work at home but nothing major.

Woke up this morning, did school run and into work. Few bits and bobs, charged the Garmin and tested resting HR. Got to 48 bpm with concentration but was settling around 50. Not perfect but good enough.

Kitted up then out the door. Boom, Garmin goes from 100% charge to 0% and switches on and off fuc@:~@ng thing !!! No need to panic, decided to bin the Garmin and run known routes. Bonus was being able to run around the wildlife park which always looses signal. Went into the office, clocked the time on my phone - 11:31 - and off. Wildlife park for 4 miles, past the office and onto relief channel - beautiful along here. Up over the railway tracks and onto the river Lee to Ware. Reach just before town to 2 mile point (6 for this run) then back to Stanstead Abbotts (8 including exra little bit) and on to Dobbs Weir. This is a lovely 3 mile run and makes up staple 6 mile run I usually do. The weir is stunning and has a lovely pub called the fish and eels that you can eat in overlooking the river. Turn left and follow the river past Broxbourn rowing club and along towards the Olympic Venue at Waltham Abbey. Turn around point is at 14 miles and back to the office for 20 miles.

Lovely route and I felt great all the way. Legs ached somewhat from 6/7 miles but I was revved up for this run. I know time is running out to get a good performance in otherwise running will take a back seat in my life.

Pushed the last 10 mins or so to what felt like 6:20ish pace and felt strong. Only had a protein shake for breakfast so this is a good indicator that my base strength is returning.

The 20's gave me my strength before so hoping even though it's just one it will pay off at St Neots.

Nature Reserve (first 4 miles)

Stanstead Abbots High Street

River Along to Ware (miles 5 - 8)

Dobbs Weir (miles 9 & 17)

Broxbourn Rowing Club (miles 13 & 15)


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