Long Tempo

Yesterday ticked the boxes - groundhog day, 6 & 5 done and dusted and in the bag.

Today, spoke to DC this morning. His VO2 max test had told him the same as me - he needed to do more work at LT pace - or for me much faster. Intervals, although I love them more than any other kind of run are just nowhere near relevant to any race pace at the moment.

So, emailled DC a session I have been doing it and when we got to the track we adapted it. Myself, DC, Ed & Superfast Paul set off for a good warm up, followed by 10 mins tempo effort. Then we would recover and choose an interval each and whoever chose had to lead out. This was great fun and the pace varied with whoever led and the time they chose. Then we would recover and do a final 10 mins tempo before running home easy.

The first 10 mins came in at 5:36/mm for 10 mins - that was what I wanted for the whole session this morning and it felt pretty good!

Then the intervals were 1:45 (5:23/mm) for DC leading, 5:23 for 60 seconds with Paul leading and miles in front, 1:26 at 5:18 with Ed leading (fantastic considering he was struggling a bit) then 35 secs at 4:48 for my lead (wanted 45 secs but ran to a road and nearly got ironed out!)

Then the last 10 min section was more like 5k effort in the last 3 mins which to be fair after what I had already done I was really chuffed with. 5:34/mm avge for that section after a 5:27 first mile.

Jog warm down and nearly 9 miles in 58 mins. Laid the ghost of Sundays race down as just a bad day at the office after this. Next week would hope to do a straight 20 mins at 5:35 pace which would really set me up. DC reckons I would struggle to run 4 miles at this pace and thats where I need to put the ground work in.

But a good effort and the conditioning I have gained by doing pre base work now leaves me not having screaming legs for a change! Will be interesting to see how tomorrows run goes, my initial worry about faster work was legs being battered so hoefully all good.

Have also been on a diet (Abs diet) with missus P - she has been cooking for me and making breakfast shakes / lunch and snacks and it seems to be really helping with the recovery.


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