Hip Hop

Nice gentle 7 miles tis mornign over the trails. 8/mm or so, HR little high but hills and tiredness accounted for that. HR wa sin the loe part of the 'endurance zone' so probably achieved what I set out to.

Saw the specialist today. Conclusion is that it's stress related - not likely a fracture but some kind of bruisng around the bone. Need an MRI scan to find out exactly what's wrong and then look at a plan to rehab it.

Specialist said to reduce volume and intensity and to guide my training by the level of pain. At the moment I get a dull ache but no pain so all good.

Nice rest day tomorrow so hopefully be in shape for a good long run on Sunday. Obviously can't race which I am gutted about but got to keep an eye on the master plan, which is to wrap in cotton wool until January and not take risks.


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