Long Sunday Run

Today I was spoilt for choices on the racing front. First priority was the Bedford Half Marathon. This was my A race for the year - more by the fact that it was going to be my last chance to get fit and nail a sub 75 ! At the same time by incredibly poor annual timing was also the 3rd Frostbite league race at Hinchingbrook Park.

So after seeing the specialist on Sunday today's race would be ... neither! Half marathon would be a risk, I know if I felt any pain I would probably continue and make things worse. Shit, even after doing it twice before with the same injury I know I'd do it again!

Hinchingbrook has the risk of a couple of slippy uphills and some hard and fast downhills. It's a great race but there is no chance of getting into a rythem which is the only way I can keep running right now.

So I opted for a long run. Aim was 14 @ 7's which was pretty much exactly what it was - 7.11, 6.57, 6.48, 6.49, 6.56, 7.00, 7.08, 6.47, 6.59, 7.05, 6.57, 7.05, 7.01, 6.38, (7.42 pace warm down).

Added 0.84 warm down at the end just to ease down the quad. Was starting to feel a little tight towards the end so happy no damage done and a pretty good effort. Avge HR of 153bpm but it was up to my LT of 157bpm by 4 miles and stayed around there for pretty much the rest of the run.

Nice route, started in Godmanchester and on to Hemmingfords 3 miles, St Ives at 5 miles and up past the running track (6 miles) on to Houghton Estate and Hartford Marina (9 miles). Round Huntingdon to Portholm by 11 miles then just over 2 miles around there (7.05 & 7.01 it was VERY windy there and hard work). Last mile back to Goddy then warm down back to car.

Happy with that, 1065 beats per mile - one of my better long runs. Felt very easy and controlled today, actually felt like I was not doing enough.

No races now till next year so no race to get fit, it's just about maintaing fitness and getting ready to push on. Feel like I am in good shape just need to stay healthy!

Bumped into DC & family while at the garden center with the kids, caught me tucking into a hot chocolate & lemon cake!

Tough week training wise this week. Big night out with partners at work Tuesday, hangover Wednesday, off to Dublin on the Leo Thursday and hangover Friday! Will probably try and do something easy Monday, short and sharpe Tuesday, longer and harder Wednesday, easy Friday and long run at the weekend. Phew, hate juggling!!


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