Endurance Weekend

First up the eating has been pretty good this weekend.  Saturday was cheat night but wasn't too bad.  Have got the supplements working and am starting to feel really good on them.

Saturday -
Breakfast - porridge
Lunch - Poached eggs on toast with ham
Dinner - Chicken steak sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomato & cucumber
Snacks - 2 cans of guniness, 1 small sweets, 1 marmite crisps

Sunday -
Breakfast - 2 egg plain omelette
Lunch - tomato soup with extra veg thrown in
Dinner - home made lasagne
Snacks - sweets & popcorn at cinema

Now that for me is probably the healthiest weekends food ever!  Weight is not dropping off me just yet but I am not putting the hours in.

Saturday training was 75 minute hilly ride with Ian T.  22 miles @ 17.5mph.  It was raining and very wet.  Ian did an easy pre-race ride on his commuter bike and I still slowed him down.  I was completely shot by 18 miles.  Quads gave out but I have a nice route and something to work on.  I will try and ride this once a week.

Sunday I ran (rested calf yesterday) around 7 miles.  Did not time as calf started aching from 3 miles and got tighter.  Was fairly painful by the end but not a disaster.  Will probably ride tomorrow unless it wakes up healed!  Felt really good running, like REALLY good.  All the food & supps are paying off. If I can feel half as good as that in full training then I am in business.

It's a concern that it's not totally healed but I want to do something to maintain.  Cannot wait to be back to full health.

Big day of sport today, amazing to see Team Sky flying the flag for GB and Olympics coming up.

Group also all raced today.  Ian T, DC, Dan & Alex all going great guns over 10k and Bruno over the half.  Everyone running quality times I need to get on that train!

I always say give me 3 weeks from a good base and I will be there.


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