Team GB

I am loving the Olympics.  Judo last Saturday, Canoeing on Monday then Fencing last night.

Fencing sounded to me the most boring sport on the planet but wow, I was so surprised.  It was fast, exciting and the fencers had loads of passion.  Not sure completely on the rules but was really, really good event.

Went to Westfield by the Olympic park for dinner afterwards and the atmosphere was electric.  There were athletes, stewards, officials and fans walking around soaking it all up. I cannot wait for the athletics on Sunday night, we are going to go really early and make the most of the day.

Still have 4 events to go to and I am so excited watching the games today on telly with team GB smashing golds in left right and center now !!

Slack week of training so far with just a 5 mile run and 25 min TT in the bank so go out for a long ride (longest ever today) of 34 miles.

Flatter route but still not easy.  Did this in March when I was injured and managed 2 hours just under 17 mph.

Set out from home to Cambridge along the old A428 then down Broadway to the cinema, Addenbrookes, cut through new road to M11 roundabout, down through Harston, right to Haslingfield, Barton, Comberton, Toft, Longstow, Caxton & back to Cambourne.

Splits were good, not many 3.30+ in there (apart from a couple of slow climbs) and last 5 miles averaged 20 mph+ so very happy with that.

Works out a 3rd of Ironman distance and 1.51 for 34 miles gives a 5.33 bike split which is bang where I want to be.  I know my flat bike speed is slow but I am OK at plodding so just like running I want to keep increasing the distance at the same pace but I need to start doing the odd interval session to get my flat speed up.  Happy with where I am, if I can knock out 18+ mph runs steady then I am going well.  Obviously I want to do 20+ but we'll just keep grafting.

Hope this helps with the running as well and I'll see how a base run works out tomorrow, probabkly 10 miles @ 145 bpm.  Am running an easy long Sunday morning of 16 / 17 and a technical swim session on Saturday so should be a good week all in.  Will try to do a good TT one leg session on Saturday too, that's helping I think because I am concious of my peddling now.

Got to get my nutrition right for recovery as well.  Talking of which, used a carb drink on the bike and it really helped.  High 5 energy source - I will try working with them.

Go Team GB, going to wrap up in the Olympics tonight with my feet up!


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