Frosty the snowman

Frostbite league today. Sawyer signed up for Hunts AC so he could do the junior race with Jake. I marshalled as my leg is still fucked.

Decent return from the boys. 9th place for Jake and first time he's scored for the juniors (Hunts won) and Sawyer was a very disappointed 165th. Think it was a big step up for him but he starts with a new group and racing kids up to 16 when you're 11 is no mean feat.

Leg was sore today so a shit load of rehab.

2 lots of ice socks, stretching, rolling, tiger balm heat, band work, leg weights, leg weights on treadmill at 12%, more weight work and more band work. A solid hour of rehab, probably 90 mins all told. Feels much better after, still twinges but if I can getting it moving around I can manipulate it.

Really want to get some consistency back but I would bite your hand off for every other day at the minute. Will attempt easy 10k tomorrow and see how it feels.

Left leg feels really weak, if I can get it back I'm going to include some plyo work in my training diet to improve that.


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